Components Of Leadership PRECISION

Great leadership rarely just happens! Rather, it is generally, a result of a combination of factors, including: personal desire; self - confidence; a need to serve (and make a difference, for the better); a can- do, positive attitude; discipline; training, learning, etc; empathy; integrity, etc. One doesn't get the opportunity to pick and choose which attributes to utilize, but rather must proceed, like a fine - tuned machine, with quality, direction, and PRECISION. Will you be ready, willing and able, to do so, or will you lose interest, or fail to persistently believe you can, and proceed, with weakness, and/ or indecision?

1. Priorities; planning: How can one be effective, or achieve what's necessary, until/ unless he begins with a relevant set of goals and priorities? This must be followed up, with effective planning, clear thinking, empathy, and conceiving of, creating, developing and implementing a relevant strategy, and a well - considered, action plan.

2. Reasoning; rationale; reasons; relevant; Will you sufficiently hone your assets and skills, and maintain a level of reasoning, which precisely considers the most relevant matters? How will you articulate your rationale, so others will be motivated, and buy into your ideas? What are your reasons for wanting to be a leader?

3. Empathy; excellence; earn: No matter how well - considered, your plan might be, if you fail to proceed with empathy, you will be unable to attract followers! Don't settle for mediocre, but strive for excellence! Remember, respect does not come with a position, but great leaders earn it!

4. Character; clarity; choices: It takes an individual, with a quality character, to precisely proceed, and get things done, that many others are unable to! Proceed with a high level of clarity, answer questions, address concerns, consider choices, alternatives and options, and then create the best plan, you possibly can. Don't overlook the details, ramifications, and/ or contingencies!

5. Integrity; influence: It takes a long time for a leader to gain the trust of those he serves, but only one mis - step, to lose it! Don't lose your influence, because you took a shortcut, etc, but rather, evaluate thoroughly, and precisely!

6. Strengthen; sustainable system: The more you demonstrate your skills and precision, the more others will follow, and when you accompany that, with doing the right thing, you will strengthen your organization! Precise leadership means considering, not only current needs, but creating, developing and implementing, the best, sustainable system!

7. Ideology; ideas; imagination: One must always keep in mind, a leader must make certain his ideology is in sync with his organization's! Use a combination of imagination, thoroughness, focus, etc,, when formulating your ideas!

8. Options; opportunities: Consider options and alternatives thoroughly, and prepare for opportunities, or develop a strategy, to create your own opportunity!

9. Needs: Always remember, no matter how prepared, willing, and able, someone is, and/ or how precisely he plans and implements, unless he emphasizes addressing needs, priorities and concerns, he will never be, an effective leader!

It's easier to discuss the components of leadership PRECISION, than to be, a truly precise leader! Are you up to the task?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, rofessionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Components Of Leadership PRECISION

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