Be Always Grateful In Everything You Have

I thank God for the courage and strength he gave me despite my sinfulness. Many people don't have that kind of contentment. I am also very thankful that my family are always there through my best and darkest moments. They serve as my anchor. They never let me down even during the times when I felt really helpless and hopeless because of my failed marriage.I really appreciate their morale support. I love them very much.

We should always be thankful. This is because there is always something to be grateful for. We always have our spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. In Old Testament times, the people of God would often sing something like this: O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting (1 Chronicles 16:34). There are also the temporal blessings we receive from God. He sends us rain, sunshine, and provides us with natural resources. Many of us have abundant food and more than adequate shelter.

We need to give thanks for blessings that everyone shares.We should be grateful that God has given us everything. He has given us everything. He is always giving us everything. It is there, just for the taking. In essence, we are thanking God for the nature of reality. We see the specific blessings in our life as disclosures of a generous reality I've been talking about a kind of non-specific, all-encompassing gratitude, that is not based on specific occurrences in our lives. Our suffering is nothing compared to Jesus who died in the cross because of our sinfulness. What we need to do is be thankful that he has given us a chance to repent from our sins and be better persons.

We hear of crime, terrorism, tragedies and disasters. And the list of problems could go on and on.And the list of problems could go on and on. Instead, we need to renew our commitment to thankfulness. In fact, being thankful can be therapeutic. It can bring healing to a troubled heart.

When we make a practice of thanking God for His many blessings, we will be focusing on the good things He has given us, and He can begin to bring healing and strength to us. Blessings, indeed, surround us every day. Simply put, we take it all for granted. It may seem clich�, but I think it's true. So when bad times strike, or when we get knocked off our feet for a while, we feel that we've somehow been abandoned by God.

It's never too late to say thank you. It doesn't matter if we have felt depressed, angry, moody, or jealous recently or are feeling any negativity now. It's never too late to start enjoying the many benefits of being grateful. You can stop at any time and take two minutes to be thankful for all that exists in our life; difficult circumstances too, for they make us grow and become the full person we are.

I know it is not easy to see through bad times. However, we can look back at all the difficult moments of our life and appreciate what we got out of it: a lesson, a "tougher skin", even simply the experience that will help us make better choices in the future.

Make gratitude a daily habit. Every day, jot down 10 great things that happened to you or that you are grateful for. Keeping your focus on the positive will really make a difference. Cultivate appreciation for others and let them know regularly that you are grateful for them and for what they do for you.

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Be Always Grateful In Everything You Have
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