Be a Light in the World

God says throughout the Bible to be a light in this world of darkness. But how can we be a light in this world of tremendous poverty and violence? How can we not feel so overwhelmed with grief that spiritual renewal seems to be the last thing on our minds?

I believe that one way to be a light in this world is to live as God lived. There was violence and poverty in God's day too when he walked the earth. But he didn't get overwhelmed by it. He accepted it as a fact of life but helped everyone that he met by shining his goodness on them.

So, here are a few concrete ways to be a light in this world of darkness:

1. Pray often. God always went off on the mountain to pray. So, we should also go off on our own to pray often. The more often we can pray, the better we will feel, and the more able we will feel to live in the world as a light.

2. Live in the world but don't be of the world. This is something that is mentioned quite a bit in the Bible. But how can we live this way? To live in this world, we must be aware of what is going on but not to be sucked into it. In other words, we should not act like everyone else is acting. Instead, we should be examples of good conduct.

3. Love everyone that you meet unconditionally. Never have conditions to loving others. Instead, just love as God loved.

4. Forgive people who have wronged you. This will free you to be a light in the world and it will show others how to act if they are hurt by you.

5. Don't complain or compare yourself to others. Both complaining and comparing are a tragic waste of time. Instead, try to be an authentic catholic who loves and acts with grace in all situations.

6. Don't argue. Instead of arguing because you don't agree with what someone said, tell them how you feel nonjudgmentally and then move on.

7. Be sincere. In all of your dealings with others, make sure that you are honest and forthright just like our Lord was. This will again help you be a light in this world.

8. Be an example of God's goodness in the world. God was always an example to others on how to act. We should try act in ways that exemplify these characteristics too.

By taking these steps, you will be a light in this world of darkness, and you will be renewing yourself spiritually with every shining example in the world.

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she published a book about on how not to scattered in our culture. Please double click on this link for more information.

 By Irene Roth

Article Source: Be a Light in the World
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