Be A Good Example

Being a good example to others is behaving in a positive manner. When you demonstrate a good behavior, you become an inspiration to others. However, there are times when you need to demonstrate maturity.

Your attitude matters more than everyone else's. It won't happen automatically. This goes beyond corporate initiatives and major projects. Are you open to trying new things? Are you flexible in your approaches? Offer them trust. Be more trustworthy. Extend and offer trust first. Occasionally you will get hurt but more often greater trust will build. Down deep, they will respect you.

There are other benefits. At work, no matter what your job title is, who your co-workers are or where you workplace is, there are a number of great examples of being a great example -- what a mouthful! -- that work across the board. Every employee comes across problems during her work day. Effective employees, though, find resolutions to those issues. Being reliable can mean a lot of things. Most of all, it means that you're trustworthy. Also, following through will build your reputation as a reliable co-worker.

In the workplace, avoiding conflict can be harder than you think. People don't receive inspiration from employee manuals or corporate memos. Set the best examples by taking tough situations in hand. Determine as quickly as possible what the problem and solution are. Set good co-worker examples and encourage kind behavior with positive illustrations. Respond to good-natured teasing with humor.

At appropriate times, get to know more your fellow employees interests. Refrain from name-calling or participating in diversive conversations. Be proactive when dealing with gossip. Work on your relationships.Take the time to speak to colleagues. Manage your mood. Most of the time you really can decide whether to be in a good or bad mood.Foster relationships by taking an interest in, and getting to know, your colleagues. If people come to you for something, stop what you are doing, give them your full attention, and do what you can to help them. Also, offer others help when you feel it is appropriate.

Go to work motivated and inspired. Be fully engaged when you are at work. If you throw yourself into your work, you will achieve more. Inspire confidence. If others are confident in you, they are more likely to take note of what you say and be willing to work towards common goals. To inspire confidence in others, you must appear confident and capable. Explain the benefits - people will be more motivated if they feel there is a purpose to their work.

Also offer constructive criticism where it is needed, and work together with your team to find ways to improve and develop their skills. Take time out to relax and enjoy the company of your colleagues. Taking your job seriously doesn't mean it has to be dull. Always make yourself available to people who need help, inject play or humor.

At home, try to set a good example to your kids like the value of hard work, fulfilling responsibilities, treating people right, commitment to school or church or community, and prioritizing family. These are effective and laudable examples. Did you talk with your kids about these? Did they see for themselves how Mom or Dad felt-and what you did-when you didn't get the promotion, or were turned down for the loan, or felt embarrassed at work or in a social setting? You might be tempted to hide these moments from your kids. But they can observe what you do and how you do it. They'll appreciate it even if they don't say so.

Oftentimes our worst experiences set the best examples to our kids and our fellow.

If you can be a good example to other people, why not try to be that person? Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Be A Good Example

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