Are You A FAITHFUL Leader?

Are you a truly, FAITHFUL leader? Are you ready, willing and able, to keep the faith, even, when most others consider giving up, or in? Will you persist and persevere, constantly and consistently, keeping your eye on the target, understanding, in the vast majority of cases, the eventual success, or lack thereof, of an organization, relies heavily on how constituents perceive their leader's strengths, intuition, and consistency, will serve them, their needs, and benefit the group? Will you make an earnest attempt, to take an objective, introspective look, and see you, as others might? Do you realistically know what you do well, and use those skills and assets, as well as areas of weaknesses, and discover the best way to address them, and enhance your abilities? Why should you have faith in yourself, and, perhaps, equally as important, why would constituents feel confident in your leadership?

1. Face facts fully: Will you be a leader who proceeds with his eyes wide open, or will you bury your head in the sand, and wear rose - colored glasses? Leaders must be able to realistically evaluate, where a group has been, where it is presently, and where it needs to be/ should be, in the future! Faithful leaders must examine issues thoroughly, and step forth, to fully face the facts!

2. Attitude; attention; aptitude; assets: What have you done, and will continue to do, in order to enhance your aptitude, in order to potentially, become the best leader you can be? Do you know which personal assets are necessary, and will you focus on those? How will you determine, how to best focus your attention? Will you commit to maintaining a positive, can - do attitude, and believe you can, or will you emit a negative aura?

3. Instincts; intuition; ideas; ideology: Has leading become second - nature to you, and do you have the instincts, which permit you to make decisions, in a self - confident way? How reliable is your intuition? Are you ideas - focused, considering ways to get things accomplished successfully, or will you merely articulate rhetoric and empty promises? Is your personal ideology in sync with that of the organization you serve?

4. Trustworthy; timely: Constituents will only continue to follow someone, if they perceive him, as trustworthy and well - intentioned! Never procrastinate, and be sure, to proceed, in a well - considered, timely manner!

5. Head/ heart; healing: Great leaders seek to heal the wounds, and reach out, across the great divide, unifying factions, for the common good! One must combine his logical and emotional components, in a head/ heart balance!

6. Focus: Are you able to keep your eye on the target? Will you maintain your focus on needs, concerns and priorities, rather than getting bogged down in, and sweating the petty stuff?

7. Useful; usable; unique: Why do you believe, you are uniquely qualified, to make a significant difference, for the better? Will others perceive you and your message, as being, both useful and usable?

8. Listen; learn; leadership: Realize you've been given two ears and one mouth for an important reason! Effectively listen, learn from every conversation and experience, and faithfully lead, as an empathetic leader! Combining these skills enhances the potential and quality of your leadership!

If you don't earn it, you will not be, nor be perceived as, a FAITHFUL leader! Only enter leadership, if your aim to make a real difference for the better, and serve your constituents!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Are You A FAITHFUL Leader?
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