Way of introduction may be different from place to place or person to person. Introducing yourself in parties or meetings is far different way than introducing yourself in a job interview. You are more comfortable to introduce yourself in parties or meetings as there is an informal way to introduce yourself so, you successfully manage to do so as there is no chances of mistake but when it comes to any job interview then most of us start fumbling with our words especially when we start our introduction in "English". But it is necessary that one must be really careful and professional in their words and action while introducing oneself in professional interview.
Why does this awkward situation occurs in most of our lives? I may be either due to lack of confidence or due to lack of communication. It could be improved by you yourself. Speak to yourself daily about you, find a proper way to present yourself in front of others, take a note of different things which you would include while presenting yourself. Be concise with your introduction as no one will be interested in listening a story of yourself. Be calculative enough to choose the words which we are using to describe ourselves.Using positive words such as enthusiastic,innovative,creative,self motivated and so on which would help in enhancing your personality. But do not forget to include your drawbacks also. It is not mandatory to include all your drawbacks but yes it is good to include it with a positive outlook so that your drawback or weakness may not unveil your personality with a negative image. Present yourself with a skillful and expertise image so that all your weakness may get overlapped by strengths.
Confidence and positive attitude is more than enough for a person to show his/her impressive personality. Greeting someone with a positive attitude will leave a positive impression of oneself on the other no matter what. Build up your personality by yourself or by getting trained via different personality development training classes and achieve success in every field you want.
By Ankita Singh
Article Source: An Introduction of Yourself