A Step To Living A Full Life - Why Not?

When we're young we are in a constant learning environment. From learning to crawl, walk and then run. The same went with everything around us.

Mummy, why is the sky blue?

Why does the rain fall?

Somewhere along the line, usually around the time our formal learning begins we start to realise that asking why all the time and being curious actually makes those in charge a little irate. We begin to learn to conform and just take the answers that we are given as gospel. To truly see life and live the way we want to live, we need to get back to our innate and inborn curiosity and start asking why again - a lot of Why's!


Well it's actually a very simple reason. Our curiosity will take us into new and exciting areas. It will start to give us a feeling of happiness and joy when we learn the 'why' of something. These answers will then form the basis of the next questions. A never ending desire to understand more and learn more.

How does this help us?

Putting this into action will motivate us and stimulate our imaginations. Artists and creative people have been doing this forever. Looking at something mundane, and everyday ordinary and then asking yourself, what if I turned it on its side? What if I added a pair of wings to this? Why not paint a pear purple?

It's actually a very simple thing to do and one of the hardest at the same times. Breaking the conditioning of a life time is never going to be an easy task and it all begins with why and sometimes - Why Not!

When you are curious about the world at large and whatever it is that you are interested in you become observant of new ideas. You become attuned and aware to new notions that come to you that you may totally have missed if you weren't in a curios state. New opportunities will pass you by.

Your life takes off on a new adventure. It will never be dull or boring again. There's always something new to be done and to be learnt. Adventure awaits!

OK Then, I'm convinced. How do I do this?

First and foremost for the curiosity seeker, the new thrill seeker you have to be open to things and perhaps most importantly be willing to unlearn some things! Opening up your mind means that you are no longer set into one way of thinking - about anything! Leaning, unlearning, relearning; these are all things that you should be open to.

Don't take the world you see for granted. Deep dive. Go beneath the surface to find the gold!

Ask questions - just try not to be annoying person while doing so. What, why, where, when, who and how are now your new best buddies. Nothing is ever boring to a curios person. The 'boring' things are just another step towards a new adventure. Don't close any opportunities by using labels like 'boring'.

Read as many different things as you possibly can. Do as many different things as you possibly can. Things that you would not normally read, watch or do. Every little nugget of information will be processed by your brain and stored for future reference.

Above all remember that this is FUN. It's no use looking at this as something that has to be done. Look forward to it with all your heart and soul. It will be fun and lead you living a life that is full of adventure, new skills, new friends and above all new experiences.

Ask yourself WHY; and perhaps follow it with: WHY NOT!

Me again. Ever asked yourself why? If not, why not? I'm constantly asking myself questions. I can be annoying that way, even the different voices in my head tell me so!

Anyways, enough of my craziness. Shoot me a message and have a chat with one of my many personalities sometime. You might enjoy it, I might enjoy it too - or maybe not. Who knows?

Enjoy life and live it!

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: A Step To Living A Full Life - Why Not?

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