3 Easy Ways to Boost Sex Drive in Women

Your body undergoes a lot of changes during menopause. A shift in hormonal production can take a toll on your libido or sex drive. Apart from this, a lot of other factors and issues such as chronic stress, relationship issues, certain medications and their side effects etc. can drive sex out of your life. However, this is not something you can't do anything about.

Here are 3 most effective ways to help you boost your libido or sex drive:

1. Try Fish Oil

Fish oil doesn't sound like the most appealing aphrodisiac but the fact is it can be a great asset when trying to enhance your sex drive. One of the most important features of fish oil is that it enhances the secretion of "feel good chemical" or Dopamine in your brain.

Dopamine helps increase your anticipation and desire to have sex.

Secondly, fish oil is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids which help keep your arteries well oiled or lubricated to ensure good blood flow throughout the body including your genitals. It's important to point out that lack of blood flow to the genitals is one of the prime reasons behind low libido in women.

Finally, Omega 3 fatty acids also help boost the production of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone in your body, resulting in better and increased libido.

2. Try to Boost Your Testosterone

Testosterone is important for a robust libido in women, even though women produce it in very small quantities as compared to men. Testosterone enhanced blood flow to the clitoris making it plump and sensitive in the process. This further helps in increasing natural lubrication.

One way of increasing testosterone is with the help of herbs such as tribulus terrestris and epimedium saggitatum. Certain foods can also be a great help in increasing testosterone in your body. Oysters are a perfect example of such foods. Olives, olive oil, oily fish like salmon etc. also help boost testosterone production in your body naturally.

3. Try Natural Libido Enhancement Pills

Moreover, you can also try libido enhancement pills that are formulated with women's needs in mind. Such pills are really hot these days and an ever increasing number of women are trying them to get a boost in the bedroom.

Such pills are a mix of herbs, amino acids and other nutrients that not only boost blood flow to the clitoris but also enhance natural lubrication. They are a perfect remedy to get over vaginal dryness which is another issue that can rob you of your sexual appetite.

Good quality pills are safe and devoid of negative side effects.

So, if you want to get a robust sex drive once again, check out the Best Libido Pills that have helped thousands of women over the past decade.


Check out the best libido enhancers that have been getting incredible user reviews by visiting http://womenandlibido.com/

 By Maya Miller

Article Source: 3 Easy Ways to Boost Sex Drive in Women
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