Women Are More Susceptible to Dangers of Alcohol Consumption

Historically, drinking has been restricted to men since women's bodies are less equipped to eliminate the alcohol content as compared to their male counterparts. Moreover, in some cultures, alcohol is deemed inappropriate for women because of high moral expectations and rigid societal conventions. However, over the years, with growing demands for equality and recognition of feminism, the long-established differences in alcohol consumption between the sexes have been gradually disappearing.

However, in some cases, increased alcohol consumption in women can be attributed to factors such as marketing campaigns aimed at young women, reduced prices of alcoholic products and launch of sweeter products in the markets, which have been attracting more and more women toward alcohol. According to the US Wine Market Council's 2015 report, "Women in their 20s and early-to-mid 30s account for 57 percent of wine consumption in the United States, hence, more women than men now drink almost half the wine bought in the country ".

Alcohol consumption by women can be fatal
Dorothy (name changed), 46, Denver, was more of a social drinker during her early youth. But, when she and her husband parted ways a decade ago, she took to heavy drinking to calm her agitated mind. Gradually, she started drinking five bottles of wine every day and waking up in the middle of the night with profuse sweats and shakes. Her addiction to wine took a heavy toll on her physical and mental well-being.

Six months later, she was diagnosed with chronic cirrhosis of the liver and soon, she ended up in a nursing home, surviving on a life support system. She was battling for her life with a mere five percent chance of survival.

Sadly, many women fail to recognize that their bodies do not have the capacity to metabolize alcohol as quickly as men, rendering them more vulnerable than men to both the short- and long-term health effects of alcohol. As per a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "14 million American women indulge in binge drinking, which can increase the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, STDs and unintended pregnancy.

Women's bodies process alcohol differently than men
The way the bodies of men and women process alcohol is completely different. Women are more prone to the devastating effects of alcohol due to the following reasons:

Low water content in the body: An adult man has a naturally occurring water content of 61 percent, whereas it is around 52 percent in the case of a woman. Thus, a man's body is better equipped to dilute alcohol in a more efficient manner when compared to women.

Lower concentrations of dehydrogenase: Due to lower amounts of dehydrogenase, which is an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol before it enters the bloodstream, a woman's body processes alcohol at a much slower rate in comparison to a man's body.

Fluctuations in hormonal levels: Women are highly vulnerable to intoxication due to hormonal variations before menstrual cycles, especially a couple of days before the commencement of the period. Besides, those women who are on estrogen-added medications such as birth control pills often experience prolonged feelings of intoxication because the medication slows down the body's alcohol metabolism rate.

Higher fat content in the body: Women have a higher concentration of body fat than men. Therefore, the entire alcohol content in the women's body is not absorbed easily and remains in the bloodstream, making them more vulnerable to quick intoxication.

Road to recoveryAny kind of addiction is detrimental to an individual's health. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, contact the Colorado Alcohol Addiction Helpline to learn more about alcohol addiction treatment centers. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-592-9261 for more information on the best alcohol addiction treatment clinics.

 By Barbara Odozi

Article Source: Women Are More Susceptible to Dangers of Alcohol Consumption

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