Why You Have Frequent Nightmares And How To Have Better Dreams

If you have nightmares every time you sleep or sometimes, you have inherited a very powerful anti-conscience. This is not your fault, but you also received a conscience from God.

So, you are able to understand the difference between good and evil. Even if your conscience is not strong, you must help your human side survive and triumph.

If you will let your anti-conscience destroy your conscience because you will agree with its absurd thoughts, you will lose your conscience forever. You will stop being able to understand the meaning of goodness and the importance of justice.

So, your irresponsible attitude will be your fault. You must protect your conscience and your life before losing your mind and being unable to control your behavior.

If you have a powerful anti-conscience you become angry with every problem. Even if your traumatic experiences were not as painful as other types of traumatic experiences that mark many other people's lives, you have very negative reactions. You don't need serious traumatic experiences to accept the absurd and evil suggestions of your anti-conscience.

You have to be more than careful in order to prevent tragedies because they are obviously part of your destiny, since you have a powerful anti-conscience.

A premature death is something unbearable. A severe mental illness is an invincible disease. An accident is a terrible event.

God sends you nightmares in order to prevent tragedies, and help you become a wise and sensitive human being. You can prevent a premature death or an accident, and you can prevent a severe mental illness by obeying God's guidance in your dreams. You can also be cured if you already have a serious mental health problem or a physical problem.

You have to stop liking what is bad even though this is something that goes against your evil nature, in order to protect your conscience. For example, you like to be proud because you believe that this way you protect your social image.

Pride is an idiotic and absurd attitude imposed by your anti-conscience, while you believe that it is a protection. In order to be a balanced human being you must like to be humble. Humbleness is wisdom and goodness.

You must prefer to be humble and friendly instead of being proud, cold, and cruel. You like to have an idiotic and absurd behavior because you are evil. This is not the behavior you should like. You should prefer to be a kind and helpful human being with everyone.

This was a simple example. If you have many nightmares this means that you are making various similar behavioral mistakes. You also are making many logical and moral mistakes.

You must follow a process of transformation and begin a new life. You will become more intelligent and sensitive by translating the meaning of your dreams and developing your human side.

Your dreams will help you gradually become a mentally healthy human being, and you will stop having nightmares and bad dreams.

You need God's mental health treatment in your dreams in order to abandon the narrow-minded concepts of the barbarous modern civilization and become the brilliant human being you can be.

God will help you completely eliminate your satanic anti-conscience and become a true genius. You will help humanity thanks to your extraordinary example and your work.

The fact that you can translate the meaning of your dreams and have information about what is happening in your brain thanks to Carl Jung's discoveries and my simplifications means that you can stop being in danger and become a hero.

The dream messages are unpleasant, but they save your conscience. You must humbly accept God's criticism and try to understand how to correct your behavior.

After the difficult beginning you will be transformed into a wise and sensitive human being.

God knows that you are able to achieve superior goals if you will seriously assume the responsibility to save your human side.

Everything is very serious, but until today humanity had an irresponsible attitude because we are inconsequential.

You have to stop repeating the mistakes of your historical time, which characterized the behavior of previous generations. We are as barbarous as Roman gladiators, but we cannot understand that the modern prisons are as cruel as many horrors that happened in ancient times, when people were crucified like Jesus or when they lost their heads in a guillotine.

God shows you in your dreams how you can abandon your absurd and evil nature and attain higher consciousness, teaching you the real meaning of goodness.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

 By Christina Sponias

Article Source: Why You Have Frequent Nightmares And How To Have Better Dreams

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