What Is Anthocyanin?

Have you ever wondered why there are several food and fruits that have blue, purple, or red pigmentation? This is due to the fact that these particular food and fruits contain a component known as Anthocyanin.

Anthocyanin is a type of flavonoid, a type or class of compounds that contain antioxidant properties in them. Found naturally in a number of foods, anthocyanins are the pigments that give red, purple, and blue plants their rich coloring. In addition to acting as antioxidants and fighting free radicals, anthocyanins may offer anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer benefits.

Flavonoids are defined as a group of plant metabolites that are thought to provide health benefits through cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects.

In herbal medicine, anthocyanin-rich substance have long been used to treat several health conditions like: high blood pressure, colds, and urinary tract infection.

Recent research suggests that anthocyanins may also help fend off major health problems, including heart disease and cancer.

Heart Disease

Anthocyanins help enhance our heart health. In a study conducted last 2010, they have discovered that anthocyanins improve and lower cholesterol levels and improve sugar metabolism as well as protect us from oxidative stress which is a contributing factor to heart disease.

Continuous intake of anthocyanin prevented high blood pressure to some based on the study conducted in 2011 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


In a study conducted in 2008 by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that mice and guinea pigs that were given a dose of anthocyanin lost weight in an 8-week duration or period compared with those that were given high-fat diet without a dose of anthocyanin.


In another research conducted by the Phytotherapy Research in 2010 discovered that anthocyanin that was extracted from bluberries inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Provided such research, we can say that Anthocyanin has a lot of health benefits if we are going to induce them and make them as part of our diet.

One of the latest discoveries is that maize that were planted, grown, and harvested in Southwestern American Indian countries had this particular property where blue corn or purple corn has been the leading crop in Peru. Furthermore, this has been the staple crop of the land and people who are aged 80 years are still giving birth.

Purple corn has been a source of natural dyes and three powerful antioxidants, namely:

Peonidin which causes the red and purple pigment in plants. They contain anthocyanin that can potentially inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Pleargonidin is another antioxidant which produces an orange hue.

Cyanidin-3 Glucoside which is a natural organic compound, yet another type of anthocyanin, also another antioxidant which produces a reddish-purple color.

The good thing is that purple corn is now within our reach. You can now get to try your own purple corn in the form of a juice for a very low price and for good quality.

In fact, in 1 year that this company has been producing, marketing, and selling purple corn juice, a lot of people have already been cured simply by drinking this juice.

Try and see for yourself the different wonderful effect of Purple Corn Juice! Be a part of our growing number of distributors and get to earn by simply being a part of our growing family! For more information, send me a message through this email:  jpatrick7308@outlook.com

 By John Patrick Hernandez Lee

Article Source: What Is Anthocyanin?

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