Waiting in Vain for Salvation

Millions are waiting on the return of Jesus Christ in expectation of salvation at the end of days. They quote from the New Testament without an inkling of the facts that the document is a compilation by Jerome, the doctor of the Roman Catholic Church. He was appointed by Damasus, the Bishop of Rome, to produce a text so that the branches of the religion would be preaching the same thing.

What thy also do not comprehend is that the organisation was established by Constantine in the year 325 and that he is 666 in Revelation 13:12-18. In that section of the bible it clearly states that he invented Jesus Christ and forced everyone to worship the image or be killed.

That means that the Roman Catholic Church was the first Christian religion and from it grew many branches. The emperor built the Vatican and the first Christian churches and he set in place the order of inheritance and the financial system upon which the World Order is based.

The Romans are the Amor of Babylon who inhabited that city and spread with their gods into the world. They are described in ancient texts as the most vicious animal like invaders who stole, raped, enslaved, murdered, and seized territories that resulted in the Persian Empire and later the Roman Empire. They inhabited Italy and built Roma - the reverse of Amor and the name it is still known by in Italy.

They were Islamic and their chief God is Mary. The name comprises 3 syllables, they being 'ma' for 'mother'; 'r' for 'power' and 'I' for 'eye'. It is the name of the sun and it reigns as chief God over the Roman Catholic Church and is the idol that those expecting the return of Jesus Christ worship.

The trick employed by Constantine was to gather in all the people under one belief system. Those who refused were tortured, maimed, exiled, enslaved, or brutally murdered. In fear the rest of the dissenters towed the line and over centuries the origin and brutality of the Church has been white-washed.

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe, the only real God, it commissioned me to tear down the barrier of deceit and expose the roots. This can only be done with the knowledge given to me of the origin of all religions in sun worship. Unless people wake up to the deceit they suffer and pain and death follows.

In Job 5:19 we are told that we have been delivered through six troubles or deaths to this final life. Everyone who has lived is back or has recently been here. That explains the enormous and rapid increase in population and why it is happening now. We are in the end time, the last days, and anyone who is spiritual needs to return to the Spirit and relieve them of the false gods of religious worship. Unless they do that there is no salvation for them.

Norma Holt was commissioned by God to tear down the wall of churches and bring in the harvest. With memory of her reincarnation she knows that reincarnation is fact and that everyone who has lived is back. They are turning to the Mountain of God which is the Internet for answers.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: Waiting in Vain for Salvation

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