~ Steve Jobs
Most of us who are actively looking for inspiration will have no doubt come across this little nugget from Steve Jobs, someone who definitely went out in his life and crafted his dreams into reality.
Being yourself and an original should be the easiest thing in the world. Unfortunately, in this day and age it has become an extremely scary thing to do. Why?
It boils down to the way that we have been conditioned in this life to conform. Being unique and questioning things is frowned upon from a very early age. It's definitely more comfortable and easy to be one of the crowd and not stand out.
It takes courage to be yourself and show the world who you truly are. A one of a kind, never to be repeated individual!
Life is way too short to waste it on being something and someone other than who you truly are!
Embrace your uniqueness and individuality. Revel in it. Let it shine!
Know Who You Are
Of course, before you can showcase yourself to the world you need to find out who you truly are.
Are you an artist? Then be an artist. Don't be an office worker and part-time artist. Let the artist in you shine! People may like the alter ego office worker but they're not really liking YOU!
Trust Yourself
Each of us has an inner compass that gently nudges us towards who we should be. Happiness is one of the expressions of this inner compass. If something isn't making you happy then you really need to start paying attention to it. Your inner self is subtly trying to push you towards doing things in your life that make you happy. These are the things that you were actually born to do!
Express Yourself
This one is straight forward simple. Don't be a sheep and follow other people's trends. Set your own style, live by your own agenda. Just Be You!
A proper level of belief in yourself is something that is extremely healthy. I'm not talking about over the top egotism. This is destructive. Believe in what you have set out to do. Let go of the fears within and embrace your true self. Make life memorable.
Realize Your True Potential
Stay the course. Don't let other peoples' opinions guide you off course, no matter how well-meaning they are. A lack of self-confidence will kill you. Don't let any self-doubt come into the equation. Be yourself, strive to be the best version of you that you can be. You will never be happy or fulfilled if you live your life achieving things that you have not set for yourself.
Take the leap and drop the self-doubt. Thrust the real you into the world. You'll be happier for it and will get a better understanding of yourself in this world. Personal satisfaction and happiness has no choice but to be a part of your life. How can you not be happy when you're living the life that you wanted for yourself?
Bigger and better opportunities will suddenly materialize as if by magic. This is a direct result of being positive, happy and being unique.
My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.
I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.
~ Frank
Tazz 1 Pty Ltd
Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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By Frank Perez
Article Source: Unleash Your Potential - The Definitive Guide