Understanding Teeth in One Day

Since the invention of dental implants back in 1952, there have been significant innovations powered by the massive advancement in technology since then. The latest such innovation is called Teeth in One Day or immediate Function implants. As the name suggests, you will have your smile restored in one day only after you get implants in place of your lost teeth.

In many dental implants cases, the patients are required to wait for several months before the implants fully heal for them to enjoy the comfort that comes with having all teeth again. Needless to say, the patient is required to have many visits to the dentist. That is now something of the past, thanks to Teeth in One Day. The implant and the crowns are placed in one appointment!

The teeth supported by implants function with the efficiency of real teeth and look as natural. The method of maintaining them is not different either - brushing and flossing. The implants also enable the proper functioning of the jaw joints, nerves, and the muscles. Also, the jawbone is supported by the implants by averting its deterioration and maintain its health.

Teeth in One Day replacement system
A dental implant is a screw-shaped fixture that is placed into the jaw to replace the root of the missing tooth or teeth. The implants are mostly made of titanium due to its property of actually fusing with the jawbone. The successful fusion is crucial for strength and support of the new teeth. The procedure ends with the crown placement on the implant.

Before, the above-described process was done in multiple months but can now be finished in one day. Also, this state of the art implant system has enabled a maximum number of teeth to be supported by a minimum number of implants. In other words, the entire arch - the upper or lower jaw - can be held in position by only four implants.

The procedure is applicable for people without one tooth, a couple of teeth and those who have no teeth completely. Technology such as the 3D Cone-beam CT Scan is used to model the implants to support the new set of teeth. You will have the functions of your teeth restored on a day such as chewing, smiling and talking after the surgery.

However, to get the best results, the implants should remain in position without movements to allow successful fusion with the jawbone. Movements will hinder the process and cause implant failure. Experts advise that after an implant placement, eat soft foods and avoid crunchy and hard food for the first six to eight weeks.

Besides taking a short time for treatment, Teeth in One day increases patients' comfort and convenience and is the most cost effective implant-supported tooth replacement strategy.

To learn more about Teeth In One Day, please visit Vancouver Dentist

 By William Jam Smith

Article Source: Understanding Teeth in One Day

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