Toxic Overload Is Just One To Effect Our Health - There Are Many More

Our health is in danger from many directions. Toxic overload is a serious issue but not the only one that faces us. Toxic overload is a health problem without us having any or very little control over it. The air quality in many parts around the globe is at alarming high levels and affects many people's health. According to the World Health Organisation report, air pollution is responsible for three million deaths each year. We have little hope to change global warming or climate change, nature been doing this progressively over millions of years. What we can do is to improve the air quality that is effecting our health. Fast action is necessary to tackle air pollution and target such countries first that are the biggest offenders.

Closer To Home
In your own immediate environment you can help reduce the use of chemicals in your home. Avoid the use of known chemicals found in household products, such as cleaners, air fresheners, dry-cleaning products and paints. Check labels of the many items in your kitchen pantry and you will find ingredients that are not in favour of your health. The same applies to laundry and bathroom. Some of the hair colourings and shampoos in personal care products are the most dangerous ones. Most soaps especially the heavy scented ones are unhealthy for the skin. Remember, the skin absorbs everything you put on to it. We use more soap then we really need and most of the time the wrong ones. Most of us clean our teeth two times per day and every time we will get some percentage of toxins into our body. Bleeding gums can make this worse and children ineffable will swallow some of it. Sun screens, face-make up and removers, lipsticks, just to mention some, all of them contain a cocktail of chemicals.

Do your own research on some of the items and its ingredients; you be shocked what you find. Although the body is only absorbing small amounts of these chemicals and toxins most likely every day. This won't bring on any illness immediately but it will decades later in one form or another, and the question many ask: Why me, where did this come from? Be aware and keep in mind we live in a world that is toxic, both indoors and out. We are unable to escape all of them that affect our health but we can avoid many of them by using natural products that are chemical and toxin free.

A Most Common Health Condition
Cholesterol and cardiovascular disease are the most common health conditions effecting people. This happens when LDL cholesterol turns into rancid oxidized LDL cholesterol. There are a number of things to cause that trigger but the biggest percentage comes from lifestyle and nutrition by eating regularly processed foods which contain lots of sugar, artificial sweeteners, salt, and common vegetable oils, plus many others loaded with harmful free radicals.

There are plenty of save options to lower cholesterol. Changing to a healthy diet; heaving more exercise by walking regularly. Cutting down on saturated fats but not cut them out. Replace some saturated fats with other fats like fish, krill oil, pure olive oil, coconut oil for cooking etc. Cholesterol mainly comes from two sources. The body produces its own natural cholesterol. Our liver produces a percentage and the other part comes from the diet we are on, and that's the crucial one. The body's own mechanism controls cholesterol levels that are necessary for good health; we are the ones interfering with this process by supplying the wrong food. Processed food does not give any vitamins, minerals or omega 3 healthy fats what the body needs. From processed foods you only get lots of trans fat, the unhealthiest one.

Drug Medication Is Another Overload
Prescription drugs are a necessary evil, although we do need them at times. There are many occasions were people are kept on drug medication longer than needed. Many deaths have occurred because of wrong diagnostic assessments and continued with some drugs for too long. What about all the side effects from any prescription drugs, some of the most common ones like nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, drowsiness, skin reactions, pain and the list goes on and on. Drug medication be limited where ever possible and always question the doctor about it if you think being on certain medication for too long.

We can do better in avoiding many things that affect our health. Knowledge is one of the key issues here. It is important to know the type of food you and your family eat and what health benefit it has. The same applies to anything else as in air quality, laundry and cleaning as well as personal products. Learn how to avoid or limit the use of it or better still replace them with natural and save products. Just the smallest of changes will make that difference over the years for better optimal health and longevity.

My name is Josef Bichler. I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only. I have helped many others achieve their health objectives by exposing unhealthy foods, the dangers of some medication and its after effects. To make people aware, and show them how to avoid most of the culprits that affects our health. For more ongoing health information subscribe to my free weekly newsletters; this also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have. As well download my free e-book to help making better food choices:

 By Josef Bichler

Article Source: Toxic Overload Is Just One To Effect Our Health - There Are Many More

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