Top Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating

Here are my top tips to help you stop procrastinating:

Tip #1 Small Chunks
Just divide all the things you have to do into small chunks. It doesn't matter if you only have a little time and think it's not worth starting anything now. Honestly IT IS! If I'd have done lots of little bits daily in my business (when I thought I didn't have enough time) I'd be much further ahead than I am now!

There are many times I can think of now where I wasted 30 mins at least thinking about pointless things when I could have listened to half an hour of audio training, written a blog, filmed a video or done some internet research etc! So YES these snippets of time are so valuable for doing SOMETHING! Perhaps you're a mum like me who is always busy, looking after children, doing housework, working part time and also building a business from home. You may also have pets and other commitments which keep you constantly tied up! So therefore any snippet of time is valuable! So use them wisely!

Tip #2 Brainstorm & Write A Weekly Plan
Firstly do a brainstorm or brain splurge on paper where you literally write out all of the things you need to do. That will instantly make you feel better! I used to find that I had so much to do I was scared to think about everything so it was easier to block it out and just do nothing! Very productive!!

So if you just get every single thing out on paper that you need to do, then prioritise each task and make a weekly plan. Then you can see clearly what you need to do and when. Give realistic time scales as otherwise you'll put too much in one day, not get it done and feel bad! So write down what you think you'll achieve per day. Even if you don't get around to doing everything that day, just be gentle with yourself knowing that you've been productive and forward those things on to the following day.

Tip #3 Change your environment
If you're finding that you're not getting much inspiration to do any work then try changing your location/environment. You may normally work in a particular room but perhaps you're not feeling motivated. Whether you change rooms or even go out and find a coffee shop or go for a walk, changing your environment can really help you get back on track and help stop you procrastinating.

Tip #4 Listen to Music
Try listening to music, something that gets you really revved up and in the mood for working. Some people have running music to help them run faster, such as 'eye of the tiger'. I love a song by Enigma and even though it's not a fast song, I feel energised when I listen to it and it makes me want to get on and work my business. It also makes me feel happy and empowered. So try it for yourself and have fun choosing a song or songs to give you momentum!

Tip #5 Have a buddy
Either have one person, like a buddy or tell various friends and family what you're doing. Then you're holding yourself accountable for getting things done. If someone is expecting to receive a blog or report etc from you at a certain time or day then you're more likely to get it done on time rather than if you're just going to put it out there for anyone to see. If you're advertising something or are broadcasting material to nobody in particular then it's easy to procrastinate and let other more pressing things come first. So always believe there is someone waiting for you to deliver.

Tip #6 Just Do It!

Often we want things to be done perfectly and if they're not, we don't finish what we're doing, and therefore end up procrastinating! You may have to be a bit harsh with yourself, like a personal trainer can be, and just get on with it! Rather than making excuses and trying to make something so perfect that you end up procrastinating, just take control and TAKE ACTION! I promise you will feel so much better afterwards!

Working on my business from home has helped me learn a lot about myself and how easily I can procrastinate! But the reason WHY I'm working for myself from home is so important that it makes me have lots of 'Get Up & Go' and want to work hard! My WHY is my children who I want to spend as much time as possible with. And I want to give them the best life possible.

I wish you luck in your journey to stop procrastinating!



Twitter: @hartlisa100

By Lisa Hartley

Article Source: Top Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating
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