Tips To Help Prevent Indigestion - Time To Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones

Good digestion isn't as simple as chewing an after dinner mint. So, instead of mints, we're serving all the best current advice to keep your digestion on track.

If five people sit down to dinner the chances are that one of them will suffer from indigestion. Many sufferers go to their local chemist and buy OTC indigestion remedy.

Unfortunately, although these remedies may help to relieve the symptoms of indigestion, they don't do anything about the cause. Within a short time the symptoms will recur and the patient will be no better off than before.

Taking a bottle of ordinary indigestion medicine is like putting a bucket underneath a drip coming through the ceiling it keeps the floor dry, but it does not med the hole in the roof.

The simple truth about indigestion is that in the vast majority of cases the symptoms can be cured permanently by getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with good, new ones.

Here are few tips on how you can eradicate indigestion from your life:

Look After Your Stomach
Many indigestion suffers ask for trouble. They hurl beer, chips, strong tea, fried potatoes, whiskey, curry and a whole host of other foods into their stomachs and then wonder why they get indigestion! They eat nothing at all for hours on nd and then stuff themselves silly with huge four course meal.

If you want to avoid indigestion then you must remember that. Although your stomach can cope with many insults, it will be less likely to give you trouble if you treat with caution and respect.

Don't Eat Too Much
Get into the habit of listening to your stomach. Eat when you are hungry rather than just because the clock tells you that it is time to eat.

Most of us stuff our stomachs with food whether we are hungry or not. And when we eat we tend to eat too much. The stomach does not adapt well to huge meals taken at irregular intervals. It can cope for more effectively with smaller meals taken at short intervals.

Eat Slowly
When I worked in hospital as a young trainee surgeon, one of my colleagues used toe at faster than anyone else. He would be spooning up the last smear of hospital custard while the rest of us were still working on our soup. He always had bad indigestion after meals and had to sit for half an hour to allow the pain to disappear.

Try to taste each mouthful of food that you eat. That way you are far less like to eat unnecessarily or too quickly.

Chew Properly
Chewing is an essential part of the digestive process and the saliva in your mouth contains enzymes which help prepare your food for digestion. If you don't chew properly then you will get indigestion.

To help yourself chew more effectively, make sure that you put only small forkfuls of food into your mouth.

Eat Regular Meals
Regular meals are much better for you than irregular ones. Your stomach is constantly producing powerful acid. If you eat regularly then you'll help mop up the acid. If you eat irregularly then the acid will have noting to digest; it will, therefore, start burning its way through your stomach lining producing indigestion pain.

Rest After Eating
When you have finished a meal, have a short rest. Give your stomach time to do its job before you start chasing round again.

When you are eating concentrate on what you are doing. Don't try eating while you are watching television or working. If you do then you will probably eat too much and too quickly and you will almost certainly fail to chew properly.

Avoid Foods Which Upset Your Stomach
Try to find out what sort of foods upset your stomach most and avoid them. Different people are badly affected by different foods, so it is impossible to offer a comprehensive list of foods to avoid. But if you do have a "weak" stomach then it is likely that any of the following foods will make your indigestion worse: all fried foods, strong tea or coffee, fizzy drinks, fatty foods, spicy foods, pickles, curry, peppers, mustards, broad beans, radishes, cucumber, unripe fruit, very hot or very cold foods, alcohol, nuts, dried fruit, coarse bread and anything tough or difficult to chew.

You don't necessarily have to avoid all these foods; just avoid the ones which upset you. And remember that when and how you eat probably affects your stomach more than what you eat.

Give Up Smoking
Tobacco smoke irritates the stomach lining. Avoiding tobacco will help any indigestion sufferer.

Learn How To Deal With Stress
Stress is one of the most important causes of indigestion. When we are under tension our stomachs produce far greater quantities of acid. Anxiety and pressure can quickly lead to the development of stomach pains.

Get Medical Advice
IF you have persistent or recurrent indigestion then you must see your doctor and ask for help.

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 By Susan Cruise

Article Source: Tips To Help Prevent Indigestion - Time To Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones
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