The Words Of Jesus Not In Red

Many New Testament translations have the words of Jesus appear in red to make them easier to locate in the Bible. However, there are less familiar words of Christ found in the Old Testament that are just as powerful and inspired, but for some reason editors have not placed these words in red which is why so many people miss them.

Scripture paints life as a courtroom scene. The devil is called the "accuser", taking on the role of prosecutor, pointing out people's faults and sin. The Father is seen as the righteous Judge, and Jesus is called the "advocate", similar to the role of a defense attorney. While the devil calls out "guilty" all day long, it is Christ who simply responds, "Not guilty."

The reason is that by his death he took our guilt and "nailed it to a tree." The Bible says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil who had kept men in fear of death and judgment. As the story unfolds in scripture, finally the harassment had gone on long enough. At just the right time we are told that Christ was born, the "Word made flesh", and heaven invaded Earth.

Amazingly in the Old Testament as Christ was preparing to incarnate as a baby in Bethlehem, in the same verses that speak of his death and resurrection, there is a stunning statement he makes on our behalf to the devil.

The words are found in Isaiah chapter 50:8: "He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me? let us stand together: who is mine adversary? let him come near to me." Or as the NIV puts it, "Who then will bring charges against me? Let us face each other! Who is my accuser? Let him confront me!"

In an amazing interaction we see the living Christ challenging the devil to a fight, in a sense saying, "You have harassed people long enough, why don't you try to do that with me and see how far you get? These people are my family, if you want to get to them then you have to come through me!"

Forget the soft portrayals of Jesus in many a movie, this is the biblical picture of the Commander in Chief standing up against pure evil for you and me. Take heart, the King of the Universe is on your side, and in the end devil doesn't stand a chance, because between him and you stands Jesus, the Word made flesh.

 By Tobin Crenshaw

Article Source: The Words Of Jesus Not In Red
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