The True Magic of Surrender

Can I ask that you please take a few minutes to read and really think about what you are about to read. What I am going to share with you is one of the most profound lessons I have learnt. I am talking truly powerful lessons or at least one of them.
So, without wasting too much of your time, let's begin...

We, as humans in general, have an almost compulsive need to have control. We attempt to control everything. If we had our way, we would control how and when the sun rises or sets, how rain falls, you get my drift.

To be certain, the fact that we cannot control some of these things drives us up the wall.

But the irony here is that we actually do not have as much control as we think. When you think about it, a lot of what we think is under our control is actually not. I know that's a bit sobering, isn't it?

For example: When driving your car, do you feel that it's under your control? If you answered "No", I would be seriously concerned. So, you naturally think the car you are driving is under your control. But is it really?

Consider this. Recently I was driving downhill at some speed. All of a sudden, the steering failed and I could not turn the car at all. Somehow, the connection between the steering wheel and the actual wheels was gone. I simply could not steer at all. Downhill and straight ahead, the car went.

In a state of panic, I had to use both the pedal and hand brake to bring the car to a standstill. And when it did, I was close to going through somebody's house. I remember shaking my head in disbelief and some relief at what almost happened. I couldn't believe it and even now I find it hard to process it mentally.

This would have been funny if it hadn't been so serious and life threatening. True story. I couldn't make this sort of thing even if I tried.

Now, was that car under my control? Of course not. If it was, it would have turned when I wanted it to. The idea that we are in control is a myth. One monumental myth. And because of this myth, a lot of avoidable pain and heartache ensue.

Attempting to control our surroundings, we end up causing a lot of pain in our lives. A lot of day to day incidents and eventualities cannot be controlled. We simply cannot do anything about this. Any attempt to circumvent this is a waste of time and the result is a lot frustration.

If you think what I am saying is a lot of nonsense, do yourself a favor and try to control every aspect of your life. Go ahead and try it
The pain caused by our controlling nature is due to the fact that we have haven't learnt some fundamental truths. For instance, how does a child learn that it is not a good idea to play with fire? Of course by getting her fingers burnt!

So, the pain is a way of telling us that what we are doing is misguided and ill-informed. Fortunately, there is a much better way.

I am really excited about sharing this with you because I honestly believe this can do a lot of good in your life. What I mean is that this is life changing IF internalized and used. So, let's continue.

What do I mean by surrender? I mean understanding and accepting that not everything is under our control. I mean removing/detaching ourselves from results of what happens in our lives. By that I do not mean not caring about what happens in our lives. Of course not, that would be silly. But I mean refraining from second guessing life.

In a nutshell, I mean NOT trying to figure out how certain things are likely to happen and trying to influence such. For example, if your dream is to buy a certain house which is currently out of your price point. A politically correct way of saying a house you do not afford yet.

By all means work towards making this dream a reality but you cannot possibly figure out exactly how you're going to achieve this. Nor is it necessary.

All you have to do is to know exactly WHAT you want. Like I said earlier, it is not necessary for you to know exactly HOW this is going to happen. But for this to happen you are going to have to surrender. You are going to have to let go. You are going to have to surrender.

Once you understand this and start surrendering, you will begin to feel more at ease. Panic and confusion will dissipate. These will be replaced by focus, calmness, peace of mind and conviction. And this is to be expected because, by surrendering, you'd have stopped trying to squeeze water out of a stone, figuratively speaking.

But one may ask "What I am surrendering to?".A good question and I will do my best to answer it.

Let's quickly look at all the things that you cannot do. Logic would tell us that if we cannot do certain things, which are happening or getting done as it were, someone or something is doing it or at least causing to happen. And without getting into a religious narrative, I am sure you will agree with the above sentiment.

Now, that someone or something is what you would be surrendering to. A power far superior than you and I. A power so vast, so all-encompassing it defies logic and our pitiful capacity to understand.

I am talking about the creator and sustainer of life as we know it.

So, surrender to the creator and see happens. Again, this does not mean you should sit idly in some corner doing nothing. That is not what I mean. You still have to play your part but now you do not have to do it alone. Since you cannot and do not have to, in any case.

In order to clarify what was discussed so far, let us recap.

- Get rid of the notion of control. You need to accept that you cannot possibly control every aspect of your life.
- Do not concern yourself with HOW things will pan out. There is no need to do this.
- Surrender to the creator who has your interest at heart.

There is real power in surrendering in the manner described above. But do not take my word for it. Try it, you have absolutely nothing to lose. But, when done correctly, it can change your life for better.

This article is one of the more powerful ones available at

 By Ernest Khumalo

Article Source: The True Magic of Surrender

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