The Importance Of Satisficing Your Learning Objectives

We naturally engage in satisficing every day, but by striving to use satisficing for making decisions that force us to think deeply, when we are learning, when we are stressed, when we are prioritizing etc.., that's when things start to get really interesting and we can feel the immediate impact of satisficing.

World famous investor and one of the richest men in the world "Warren Buffet" is a master of satisficing. He is well known for his far from lavish lifestyle. Despite all his billions, Mr Buffet, lives in a very modest house near a highway, drives a car that's nearly 20 years old and has pledged to give his entire fortune away.

A reporter once wrote about a time when Warren had to spend a week in New York for work. He bought a few litres of milk and some Oreos and this was his breakfast for the week. His focus was work and he would never be distracted by all the trappings that his vast wealth could afford him.

But when it came to work, Mr Buffet is only ever satisfied with the very best. His high standards and attention to detail allow him to excel in his field. He is a master of satisfaction when it comes to eliminating needless distractions from his life and he is a master of perfection when it comes to the skills required for successful investing.

Preventing Mental Fatigue
One of our biggest daily struggles today has become dealing with information overload. We live in a knowledge based economy, where our jobs demand a great deal of continued learning.

On top of the mountains of information we need to study daily for our jobs, we are also bombarded with avalanches of data online. We read daily the equivalent of 160 news papers.

By using satisficing, we can become good at ignoring and removing unnecessary material and distractions. Material that chews up valuable brain resources and energy.

You need to have clear direction when it comes to your learning objectives. You clearly map out your learning paths. Anything that does not fit into that path needs to be cast aside, ignored or possibly put on to a to-do or to-learn list.

If it doesn't fit with your current goals, then you must ignore.

Our brains neurons are living cells with a metabolism, they need oxygen and glucose to survive and when they've been working hard, we tire.

Satisficing is a very simple but powerful step we can easily use to make our learning much more manageable and efficient.

Padraig is the creator of the learnodoro accelerated learning software platform. His passion is effective study strategies and productivity skills. Padraig shares all the latest in learning science on his learnodoro blog.

 By Padraig Cremin

Article Source: The Importance Of Satisficing Your Learning Objectives
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