Taking in Your Opportunities

Life is like a tree, yes as corny as it may sound it's the truth. Life is constantly changing, just like a tree changes in every season. We too have our own season and we change,we grow and we transform into a new life during each of those seasons.

But, when the new season occurs are you growing like you're supposed to be growing or are you holding yourself back? I am 21 and I can tell you that your life is not guaranteed tomorrow or within the next hour, don't miss out on your growth period, don't miss out on your new season. I'm still in the process of growing, but I know what it takes so I am willing to learn.

There are many steps to growth, it doesn't happen overnight, unfortunately,but that's okay. A tree doesn't grow overnight. The first step to growth is setting goals for yourself and determining whether or not they are achievable. This is like you're planting the tree. The second step is establishing when you want to start putting those goals into actions. This is like the roots receiving the nourishment from the soil. The third step is following through and making every necessary change in order to grow. This is when the bark or the foot of the tree begins to sprout. The final step is spreading the growth within your circle and in your daily tasks and activities. This is a prime example of when the leaves, flower, or fruit begin to grow on the tree. Think of your growth as an evergreen tree, it never dies.

In your process of growth, you need to remove ALL and I mean ALL of the negative things that are blocking you from moving forward. Some people will be hurt, some people will throw shade but remember this growth process is about you and for you. Throughout this process, you need to continue to check up on yourself and making sure you are taking the right steps that will lead you to the correct path. Keep a journal or diary, or start a blog if you haven't done so already. If this process becomes tough, that's okay, take a break but don't lose sight of the trophy.

You might be wondering, why did I decide to go through this process...

So I'll tell you. I was tired of holding back my potential. I was tired of taking twenty steps forward but taking ten steps back. I was tired of people telling me that I do not have the capabilities. I was tired of the tears that I shed. I was tired of putting other people's happiness before my own. I was tired of being tired. So I was having a talk with one of my friends, she actually inspired me to start a blog, and we started talking our New Years Resolution. Now I was never one to believe in those and if I had one I never followed through, but for some reason, I wanted to see the growth in myself, I wanted to see change. I wanted to prove all my haters wrong. I wanted to do this for ME.

I couldn't wait any longer, I am three semesters away from my Bachelors, time is flying by. I didn't want to miss out this season of prosperity. 2016 is my year and I can feel it. I am no longer focused on relationships, I am no longer focused people who don't see my best interests at heart, I am no longer focused on the DRAMA. I am focused on making positive memories and growing from each experience. I am focused on making my "tree" grow into a beautiful tree of OPPORTUNITIES.

I want you to take the time out and think to yourself, am I growing? Am I at the place where I want to be right now? Am I happy? If the answer was no to any of those questions, then take this time out to do something about it. CHANGE starts with you, my friend. Take that initial step. That initial step can be anything. It could be deleting people off of social media, deleting numbers out of your contact. It can be putting an end to that relationship that was bringing you down. It can simply be starting a new hobby (mine was knitting, I'm still learning). It can be planning out your day or year.

Challenge: I challenge all of you to make 2016 your new season, your new season of growth. Have a focus word for this year and make it your mission to follow through.

My two focus words are: GROWTH & Positive

What is your focus word? Let me know in the comment section.

 By Esther Louis-Juste

Article Source: Taking in Your Opportunities

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...