Surviving The Process

The primary goal of process is to get you to your purpose. It is a tool that God uses to help you walk out and walk through your purpose. How you view process is critical, because if your perception is skewed you risk missing its value and importance.

The first step in surviving your process is submitting to it. Most times when we resist anything that calls for us to be vulnerable it is in part based in fear. Define what you fear and determine if it is worth hindering your progress. Process is where your growth and answers lie and to not submit is to resist growth and deny yourself the answers you need to move forward. Process at times just does not feel good, but the good that it produces in and through you, is so worth being uncomfortable.

The next step in surviving process is changing your perception of it. Process cannot be looked at as a series of test but a road specifically crafted by God that leads to your purpose. While it is a road that is challenging to travel at times, there is nothing on this journey that you cannot overcome. God is with you at each step and will handle you with great care.

The third step in surviving process is understanding that process is not just a journey but a place. In my process, I came to understand that process was the place where I could be transparent and the most intimate time that I would ever spend with God. It was there I could remove the mask and let all of what I thought I had to keep on the inside out. I was totally free to think, cry, hope and even rest.

Wherever you may be in your life at this moment, know that with every transition there will be a process. Do not fear it, but submit to it because in the process you will be strengthened and gain a greater understanding of who you are and where you are going. Many will say simply trust the process, but the process requires more than your trust it requires your participation. You were created to live a life that is meaningful, full of opportunities and success, embrace it. Let your process take you there.

Here's to your journey and remember, don't resist the process you need every lesson that it teaches.

 By Andrea M Smith

Article Source: Surviving The Process

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