Relearning the Art of Creativity

They say that creativity is the province of the young. They are 100% correct.

However, before you start blowing your own trumpet we need to determine what 'young' means, the results may startle those reading this.

The decline of creativity actually begins around the same time that our 'structured' learning begins in life - usually around 4 or 5!

Starting to feel old now?

Before this age, we are in a constant state of learning new things and creating unlimited ideas. We don't have any preconceived notions that others have already created those things. We live, we do and we are.

By the time most of us have reached around 12 years old, our creative potential has dropped from around 80% at age three to a staggering low of around 2%!

Unless we actually make an effort to change this, it stays steady at around this number. It's sad!

This period of decline coincides with our learning to get along in the 'real' world. Conforming to the school structure, following their rules and values. Learning what you shouldn't do.

Most of the things that we learn during this period are about the negatives (what not to do) as opposed to the positive - what we should be doing.

It's this structured environment in which we are taught to behave that sees the decline in the creative spirit - creativity and creative spirits can be a trifle unpredictable and this is definitely a no-go zone when learning the rules.

Going through the school process we are taught to conform. They teach that there is one correct answer and that's what we get graded on. It's a 'follow the process' cookie cutter solution way of thinking. To deviate is considered a hanging offense!

Higher education, whether high school, universities or colleges drill this even further. Under the guise of reading other people's wisdom and insights, we are taught not to question.

This is not a rant on the education system at all. There is definite value in their teachings, however, their teachings are not the be-all end-all. Somewhere along the line, if we are lucky, we stumble across somebody that teaches us to expand our knowledge of ourselves and to push ourselves in creative ways to achieve fulfillment in our lives.

Creativity is like a muscle, if it doesn't get used it will wither away. Creativity doesn't go away, it's our ability to use our creative muscle that does. The only way to make a muscle stronger is to continue to use it.

In the adult world, we all strive to become the expert in whatever field we end up going into.

We get stuck in routines, which are comfortable and do not vary. Our lives are always too busy to try something new or even a new method of doing something old. We forget to enjoy life and simply end up surviving.

The human body is an amazing thing. It is in constant regeneration mode, always removing unwanted things and recreating new cells and internal parts.

Molecular biologists state that brain cells and new neural pathways are created daily, essentially recreating a new brain structure every few months. All the molecules in our body are similarly rebuilt.

Essentially, every couple of years you actually are in control of a completely new body including your brain!

One of the ways that you can stave off creative decline is to do things differently. Look for new things to do. If you usually only read fiction sci-fi, pick up an autobiography or a crime thriller. Choose a different way home from the office. Start at a different time if possible.

Choose a new item from the menu! Anything at all to make the brain begin thinking of alternatives and creating new creative juices!

With practice, you can get better at creativity, which puts a creatively active 60 year old miles ahead of a static, expert 30 year old.

It has been proven that people who stay mentally active live longer even than those who stay physically active. If you go to the mental gym every day, then your alertness will keep you going longer.

If you combine the mental with the physical, there's no stopping you!

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site

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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Relearning the Art of Creativity

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