Quick Tips for a Successful Creative Life

Creating a successful life out of any creative field is absolutely nuts. That's why we love it so much.

Unfortunately, there are just as many failures in this field of endeavour, or perhaps even more, than in any other.

No matter how successful a creative is, the struggle is endless. It's called life.

This shouldn't be a deterrent though.
In this day and age there is no such thing as a 'secure' job, regardless of the industry. So if you're going to try and achieve things in this life why not do it creating the things you love?

Be Clear On What You Want
Decide right now what success actually means to you. That's the goal that you're aiming for. I cannot count the number of times I have helped people get on the right path once that was made absolutely 100% clear. You need a clearly defined goal - although the path and direction will ebb, flow and waver as you more clearly define the nitty-gritty once you get started.

Get a 'normal' job
These days there is no such thing as a normal job. Yes, we all have to do things to pay our bills and mortgages, put food on the table and survive. The best way to keep focus is to ensure that these activities that we are undertaking to do so, do not become our life!

Keep the number one goal of your life clearly in focus.
If you are working as a waiter to earn money while in between acting jobs then only refer to yourself as an actor. Not an 'aspiring' actor or any other term that means you haven't achieved your goal.

If you are an artist, who just happens to be washing cars at the moment then always refer to yourself as an artist! Don't demean yourself and your life's work by making it seem less than it actually is.

Doing this will be a constant reinforcement at a subliminal level to yourself of what your life's ambition and purpose actually is.

Your Life Right Now is as real as it is going to get.
So don't put off anything that you really want to do. Always make time (see my post on setting a schedule to help you) to keep plugging away and moving forward on your goals.

Waiting for the right time
Simple - this doesn't exist. The right time to do it is NOW.

Waiting for the right money
Same as the right time. If you can't afford the materials that you need for a certain piece, create something out of what you have. The purpose and goal is to always be moving forwards and harnessing your creative talents.

You're a creative, start thinking creatively about creating!

Waiting... full stop.
Don't! Make the move now. Create the piece now. Take that photo now. One small step in the right direction is worth 100 years of actually thinking about the right direction.

I know that these are just a small sample of beginner's information but it is something that I'm constantly asked about and the best place to start is... at the start.

The first step in conquering anything is knowing what you are trying to conquer.

The next steps go into the how. It comes back down the basic Who, What, Where, Why and How. Some of these old adages and ideas are coming around full circle for a good reason - they actually work!

Send me a message on some of your tips, tricks, stories and struggles. I'd love to hear from you and perhaps even post an article about it!

Frank Perez has successfully combined all the skills of a designer, programmer, marketer, photographer and artist. Check out my site, link below and view my crazy creative side.

Available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

Frank Perez

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

My Crazy Site 

Check out my artwork and photography

 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Quick Tips for a Successful Creative Life

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