Paradigms - How They Rule Your Life

The way your life looks right now is a direct result of your paradigms. What is a paradigm? The basic meaning is a PATTERN OR MODEL. A pattern of thought or a model of how something should be or look.

What is the pattern of your thoughts or the model of life that you believe is right? A deeply held paradigm about life in general may be held in your subconscious mind as being fact. If you believe something to be fact it must be so.

Your beliefs about life shape the way you see life and in essence what you will experience. Like attracts like and there is no longer anyway to dispute this. People we meet are mirrors of what we believe not who we are. Jobs we attract show up because of what we believe about life. Relationships manifest based on how we view ourselves and other people.

What do you believe is true?

� Rich people are greedy and selfish

� You will never have a healthy relationship

� Anger is power

Our paradigms are formed at an early age from birth to about age 7. As a young child your mind is like a sponge absorbing and learning.You learn ways to cope within your environment to be accepted, survive and be happy. These will become your PARADIGMS.

Ask yourself what your basic belief about life is? From this you may shed some light on why things happen that you don't like or wish to be different. Your overall general perception about life rules how you live your life.

PARADIGM 1. Life is unfair
If you hold this paradigm as an overall belief about life then that is what you are attracting, creating and receiving. With this paradigm of life you will create experiences that prove to you that life is unfair. You will attract situations to prove this paradigm. You live in a victim mentality. You believe you are in control but in fact other people control you.

PARADIGM 2. Life is a journey of experiences - all acceptable
If you hold this paradigm about life then you are resilient and in control. You understand that life is creation and you have the power to control you own happiness. You feel safe, loved and part of something bigger than yourself. You feel no need to control anyone else. You love yourself firstly with compassion and take joy in life no matter what it presents.

These are two basic paradigms about life. They may be worded differently in your subconscious mind but in essence they mean the same thing. You either love life and accept it fully or you live as a fear based victim believing you are being controlled.

The only one in control of your life is you. You control your level of happiness. Isn't this all there really is to life anyway. That overall feeling of wanting to be happy. Happiness looks different to everyone. Some people believe happiness is having stuff. While others believe happiness lies in living with the basics. There is no right way of happiness.

Happiness with life is all we truly want. But the secret is not happiness without but happiness within. Happiness from within is acceptance for what we cannot change while taking action on what we can change. All change can be scary. It's just an emotional resistance to the unknown.

Shifting your paradigms takes time but it can be done. It only takes a shift in the way you want to see life. Do you want to be happy? Then choose to see the positive in every situation. It may not feel right but do it anyway. You are experiencing resistance to what you already believe. You and only you control your thoughts and beliefs. Choose how you want to see life and make it happen.

Being Self Help is your online resource for books, articles, programs and quotes that help with all issues in life. From wealth to health the first place to start is with your energetic or spiritual self. We already possess everything we desire we just need to learn how to allow it into our lives.

 By Margaret Z

Article Source: Paradigms - How They Rule Your Life

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