Moving Without a Direction

Have you ever tried to go on a trip without a map or GPS, something to make sure you got where you were going? Maybe you've never been there, but you have a good idea where it is... You jump into your car, complete with your iced tea and what my husband calls birdseeds. I have to have something to drink and sunflower seeds when we travel. It's a must.

My husband, Peter, and I will jump into our vehicle fully loaded with everything we need for the trip, complete with the iced tea and birdseeds. We start driving and we don't even know where the place is that we're going. We forgot to check MapQuest and realize my phone battery is dead and we can't use GPS. How in the world are we going to get where we're going? With just a general idea on how to do it, we're never going to get there.

What do you do? You go back home, get the car phone charger and make sure that you know the address of your destination. You START OVER.

I found that to be true when I started my business on January 16th, 2016. I had a general idea about what product I was going to offer. I knew how much income I wanted to generate, but not a clue in this world how to get there. What did I do - the only thing I could do. I built my vision board, I prayed and I did as much studying about my new-found business product as I could.

Zoom into December 2016 and I still didn't know how to get this business off the ground. I purchased a blogging package that had a HUGE amount of material in it. I knew I needed some help building the business, but honestly, I didn't know where to begin.

I signed up for every vendor's email list that was in the package. I tried to read and process everything but I just couldn't do it. I started getting tons of email! Some of them I became annoyed with immediately. It seemed like every single email was trying to sell something and if I didn't buy 'today' the world would come to an end.

I was trying hard to figure out where I was going with my business. I had no idea how to strategize and get this thing off to an excellent start. In the midst of all the noise of the emails I did find someone I stopped and listened to. I liked her and I liked the fact that she was offering a class from a famous motivational speaker so I signed up for the four-week course.

Within two sessions I knew I liked this person and believed she could take me to another level in my business. Problem? Uh, yeah sure, money. To me it was expensive, but I had a decision to make. Am I going to continue to fly down the road with no idea where I'm actually going, or am I going to get real with myself and "start over"? The only other alternative is to quit entirely and I'm not willing to give up on my dreams.

I talked to my husband; he said go for it and I did. It has been the best money and the best 10 days in my business. She has done more for me in 10 days than I did for myself in the first year.

I'm so thankful she sent that email and that I signed up for her class. I knew what my purpose was. I had a vision and a goal to build a successful business and eventually become self-employed doing what I was called to do, I just needed direction on how to get there! If you're reading this and saying "I would love to have a proverbial GPS to guide me to where I'm going, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life... ", then find someone you know, like and trust and allow them to help you find your vision.

To Your Success,

Bridget Johnson is a Writer/Author/International Seminar Speaker and is a Platinum Ezine Author. Bridget lives in Oklahoma with her husband, Peter.

Work with Natalie Joy - Defining your Joy

 By Bridget F Johnson

Article Source: Moving Without a Direction

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...