Message From the Universe: Living a Challenging Life and Loving Every Minute of It

"You didn't choose this lifetime thinking it would be without challenges. You chose it, in large part, for the challenges you now have.

You've got it made,
The Universe"

No one can really choose their family, we are born in it. We see many kids growing up with abusive parents, dysfunctional families, and ending up with huge self-worth and self esteem issues. Some parents aren't set up to have kids on their own, especially when they can't even take care of themselves. They been raised with so much hatred and abuse and repeats the same to their own offspring. It is sad but you see it everyday. Don't people learn? Most things in life can be reversible if you make the necessary changes needed from the start. Never feel like it is too late. When you feel you are gaining lots of weight, don't feel like you are destined to be obese for the rest of your life. You can start obesity in its track and start exercising and eating healthier. I did that myself and went into bodybuilding. I am not different than any other person out there, I just felt like I didn't want to be jailed by my own body and feel like I lost total control of my life. If I did it, everyone else can do it.

But without challenges, how will life be? Will it be fun, boring, anticipated, uneventful? Why is the line of success never a straight one? These challenges come in, distort the path you are in, to create a new venue for you to cross and offer better opportunities in your life. You should accept and embrace changes in your life, especially when you feel that these changes are going to present new exciting outcomes and allow you to become a better person throughout this process. You are in control of your own destiny, no one can come and intervene, and if so, just ignore the naysayers and move forward no matter what. Remember that those who are to afraid of your success are the one who will come up with negative responses to your actions. They are even afraid of their own shadow, and are stuck in their mundane life that they refuse to accept someone who has more guts than they do. So when you see people trying to put a stick in your wheels, just smile because you know that people fear your ambitions, your dedication and your drive to succeed.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source: Message From the Universe: Living a Challenging Life and Loving Every Minute of It
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