Medication Synchronization Helps Adhere to Medication Regimens

In the current scenario, most people have multiple chronic conditions that require continuous medical care. Problems such as mental disorders, addiction, heart problems and other chronic conditions, demand long-term support to prevent chances of hospitalization or premature death. People with more than one ailment are usually prescribed an array of medications for each of their health conditions. Consequently, it becomes an uphill task for the patient to keep a track of the dosage or duration, and to get a refill on a timely basis. This is where medication synchronization comes in.

Medication synchronization is an entirely new concept that assists people with chronic medical conditions to better manage their medications. It is a simple service provided by pharmacists, in which they keep a track of the patient's prescription refill schedule so that he or she can pick up all the medicines at once, on a single day each month, without the need to make multiple trips to the pharmacy.

Synchronizing drug refills prevents abuse
According to a 2016 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four Americans has multiple chronic conditions, which usually lasts a year or more and requires ongoing medical attention. However, for Americans aged 65 years and older, this number rises to three in four, accordingly.

Studies have shown that many people with chronic conditions do not take medications as directed by doctors, probably due to factors such as an inability to remember the time at which the medication was to be taken, unavailability of the prescribed medication, or sometimes due to sheer ignorance. Unfortunately, such a noncompliance costs the healthcare industry in the U.S. billions of dollars every year.

However, one should also ensure that the medications are not abused or taken in excess from the quantity prescribed by the doctor since this can trigger the misuse of prescription drugs, eventually leading to an addiction. Synchronizing medicines can be one way to ensure drugs are not abused.

Benefits of medical synchronization
Syncing up the drug refills largely benefits the patients as well as the caregivers. Medication synchronization is a great way to ensure that the medications are taken in line with the prescription.

Apart from this synchronizing the drug refills has numerous benefits such as:

Eliminating the need to call for multiple prescription refills.

Convenience of visiting the pharmacy fewer times.

An opportunity to discuss the medications with the pharmacist on a monthly basis.

Paying visits to the pharmacist as per schedule.

No worries about running out of the medications.

Being aware and confident that prescriptions will be ready on the pick-up date at the pharmacist.

Receiving personalized service from the pharmacists with monthly medication reviews

Sticking to the medication regimen.

Reduction in the number of individuals being hospitalized or facing issues due to non-adherence to their prescription.

Medication synchronization can be a beneficial prospect even for the pharmacists, who can earn more revenue without increasing the customer base while providing a more customer-friendly experience at the same time. Implementing this strategy can also help the pharmacist in managing the work better and help customers stay healthy without putting in any extra effort.

Don't abuse prescription drugs, seek help

Medicines prescribed by doctors are meant to cure ailments and help restore one's health. If abused, the life savers can instead destroy lives. It is important to know the side effects of the medicines one is consuming or to seek professional help if one feels that he or she is getting addicted to its effects.

If you know someone who is addicted to prescription drugs and is wanting to know about prescription drug rehab, the Prescription Drug Abuse Helpline can help. Call our 24/7 helpline number 866-450-1557 and get the best prescription drug abuse help from our experts.

By Barbara Odozi

Article Source: Medication Synchronization Helps Adhere to Medication Regimens

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