Live From Your Heart To Find Happiness

How is your 2017 so far?

Mine has been very interesting - in ways I had not anticipated or ever thought I wanted to discover.

Life works that way, you know?

Long ago I realized that we teach what we most need to learn.

You probably heard those words before. So what do they mean? Pretty simple, actually, to be able to explain any concept to another individual you first need to understand it so deeply and so completely that you can easily share it with another person in a way that he or she easily understands.

I feel very grateful the Universe gifted me with a talent for simplifying and explaining concepts so others grasp the solutions they seek. Frequently people tell me they finally understood something because of the way in which I explained or taught it.

Cool, huh?

So... when my own life got more complex than I wished (translation: the Universe had more lessons to teach me) I went to a place of confusion and physical challenges.

Sure, there is very real physical stuff from nerve damage. However, I am pretty good at figuring out how to work around limitations, at turning obstacles into stepping stones.

Only in recent months the stones littering my pathway came fast and furiously. Physically I had a very hard time negotiating the obstacle course.

So what do you think I did?

I went back through my own material. I listened to my audios, watched my videos, read my own books, articles and blog posts. I am now in a place where I can grasp what to do each day, in each moment, to continue my personal journey moving forward - even if in small steps these days.

Hey, small steps forward still get you to your desired destination, yes?

One of the things I do most days is sing my THRIVE! Don't Just Survive song. That song is a course in metaphysics all by itself. My voice is not strong enough to sing it loudly so I have not yet updated my original recording.

Ah! But what was working today was my speaking voice. Okay, it was strong enough to make the recording, spoken but still the recording of the song lyrics that define how I live life in every moment.

Well, I intend to live each moment that way. I do succeed more often than not.

You see, when I forget to stop trying to control my life and direct my own outcomes using my ego mind I always wind up struggling. My guess is you do too.

Know why?

Your mind can never figure out how to do anything. It can only name the what you want to do. And even more powerfully, the job of your mind is to keep you safe. How does it keep you safe? It stops you from stepping out in a new direction, from creating new behavior patterns and new thoughts and actions.

Yes, the Universe gets really loud, forcing me to lie still and quiet when I forget to live from my heart not from my mind.

I am so happy and grateful for the gift of knowing the difference between mind and heart living.

I could go on and on explaining the science behind heart vs brain and mind. But that is another article all by itself.

Right now I just want to share my song lyrics with you because I have a strong suspicion you are ready to move forward in your own life, to stop being stuck and to break free from mere survival.

Are you ready to THRIVE! Don't Just Survive? If the answer is a resounding "yes" then click here..

Looking for more info on how to be happy and thrive rather than muddle through each day? Go NOW to

 By Ali Bierman

Article Source: Live From Your Heart To Find Happiness

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