Life Interrupted: Resolutions and Habits

Well, we're half-way through February! Did you miss me last month? I feel very guilty in not keeping my promise to you about sending fun ideas and stories about organizing each month but Murphy and his danged law got in my way! I am recuperating from surgery for a detached retina and that's very time- consuming, with so many rules to live with that will, hopefully, ensure full healing and future health for my left eye.

So, how are your New Year's Resolutions coming along? Are they defunct already? Still struggling to be accountable for promises you made to yourself about a month ago? Don't beat yourself up one way or the other - all this is very common! In all reality, though, being successful in meeting those personal goals is more a matter of habit than anything else, and most certainly not Will Power.

I'm only supposed to have my chin off my chest, head very down, for about ten minutes each hour - very restrictive, right? So, even the mere act of checking email can be daunting, and composing a newsletter takes way more time than my allotment per hour allows - hence... WAY behind in any number of things! Procrastination is one thing, but avoidance due to medical/physical roadblocks is quite another. Luckily I have a wonderful husband, friends and neighbors that are helping tremendously!

Certain habits I use to get things done are really helping me keep on task with the bulk of what needs to be done. My To-Do List is a great catalyst for that impetus and I rely on it a lot - especially when it seems my brain isn't working very well just because my eyesight is compromised. Let me share, please:

1. As I turn the calendar each month, I forward certain items to the blank space in the new month, such as when to trim the cats' nails; reminder to water the plants; note the birthdays for the month.

2. Certain items for my company are also noted: when the Quick Tips and newsletter are to be out; updates to the website; what marketing I will aim for.

3. I check our bank statement each day for fraud since we use our debit cards a lot.

4. At least once a week I 'clean' my Outlook and Yahoo account in-boxes, sent files, deleted emails, usually on a Friday afternoon when I'm trying to 'unhinge' for the weekend,

I had added some new items to my list (a daily walk; getting to the "Y" at least three times a week for our yoga/Pilates classes) which have had to be put on hold for the time being, but will be resurrected once I'm allowed to be my 'regular' self again.

Do I remember to do these things all the time? Of course not! But, with items noted on the calendar as a reminder and sharing with friends (accountability!), I do have that push toward personal responsibility.

Folks will put off their resolutions for any number of reasons: fear of change; lack of knowledge as to 'the how' of something; perfectionism; true lack of motivation. If you don't know the 'Why' and can't see the inherent rewards, you may be thinking, "Why bother?" In this case, maybe letting that resolution go is the proper thing to do. I mean, none of us needs to heap more guilt upon ourselves, right? OR... could it be that you just haven't found the WAY to your motivation?

Is your goal just too big, too immense for proper implementation? Then break it down into smaller pieces and attack those smaller goals. Need certain skills for your desired project? Get to learning! Ultimately, you'll be at your Finish Line, savoring and enjoying the success of a job well done, with the help of the wonderful habits you've been able to instill over time! Just a bit at a time; work on one small step each day; set a timer for an alloted period of time; always reward yourself for every success, no matter how small. Find what works for YOU because, after all, this IS all about YOU! Hooray!

Here's to being the YOU you want to be this year!

As a professional organizing consultant for over 10 years, Rhonda can help you with heartfelt support and training. YOU can learn organizing skills and processes and with Rhonda's experience will be pointed in the right direction. As a Golden Circle member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, you are in great hands! Discover more of Rhonda's stories and lessons in "Taking Control of Your Time and Clutter" at

 By Rhonda McNett

Article Source: Life Interrupted: Resolutions and Habits

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...