Learn to Love Like Rumi

Are you seeking the ultimate divine connection? Do you wish for a love that transcends the ordinary? Rumi a great teacher of love once said "If the beloved is everywhere, the lover is a veil. But when living itself becomes the friend, lovers disappear."
How do we learn to love life and embody the fullness of our soul's love on a day to day basis?

For me, the more I learn to detach from the internal drama that comes and goes in life, instead seeking inner peace no matter what, the more effective I am at unconditionally loving myself which in turn helps me to love life. Learning to let go of the yearning for love, and to love myself, accepting the terms that life brings, opens the door to a greater form of love that is felt as divine union.

This experience of oneness is often transitory and almost always profound. To become a friend to life, means learning to love the parts of ourselves that we find unacceptable. Many of us have had plenty of years of therapy, workshops, meditations and self-help programs. Yet sometimes we find ourselves feeling like abandoned six-year-olds, alone and fearful. These insecure feelings may be hard to love or like. Yet, loving even the lost parts of the self, is the way through the pain and back to our truest essence.

At times like these, we have to practice radical self-acceptance and find the still place of peace within. We can learn to practice loving ourselves more completely for the moment, the hour, or the day. We can transcend our insecurities and listen for the call to love eternally. We will then see life through a larger lens: the lens of love.

This larger lens, is how our spirit guides, angelic helpers and higher selves see us. They never judge or criticize us. They merely love us unconditionally and encourage us to do the same. Ask them to help you love yourself no matter what.

Additionally, sometimes if you feel blocked in loving yourself, it helps to think of someone you know who loves you unconditionally no matter what. This could even be a person from your past or someone who has passed to the other side of life. Invite their compassion into your heart and hold yourself tenderly in their love and let yourself be loved back to wholeness.

As we set aside all that we imagine to be imperfect, letting go of the old ways and instead embracing ourselves with fervent love and devotion, we can then remember that we are holy expressions of the divine. From this perspective we stop judging and fighting life and instead as Rumi said, we let life become our friend. The seeking for love ends and we can rest in the most precious gift of our spirit, that of unconditional love.

 By Liah Howard

Article Source: Learn to Love Like Rumi

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