Keeping Your Focus - How to Pay Better Attention to What You're Doing

Do you have difficulty focusing on the task at hand - be it at work or home? This article shows how to focus vividly and get your work done.

Here are a few tips:

1) Why do you need to complete your task at hand? Will it have any desired outcome or bring any benefits. Understand the why of your task at hand and then you can focus better. For instance, if it is a household item you are cleaning and you are unable to focus, ask yourself why you are cleaning it at all. The answer may come in varieties. For example, "I like the house to be spick and span' or "Guests will be arriving tomorrow at our home and I want them to see everything cozy, well-arranged and tidy." Then you can focus better.

2) Chunk up your task into smaller ones. And then focus. You will find it manageable and it won't loom large over you. Once you get your work done, you will be the one with the biggest of smiles.

3) Concentrate on your task for only fifteen minutes at a time. And you will see that it becomes possible. After every fifteen minutes, talk to a colleague at work or an available family member at home and distract yourself. Then go back to your task and focus on it. This way you will pay much better attention to your work and get it done even before the hot deadline.

4) Put on low volume melodious music in the background. If at work, put on headphones or if at home, let it be on air. And then focus on your work. With the melodious music beats reaching up to you, you will find a rhythm to focus on your task and you will not tire out. On the contrary, you will get the mojo of life, enjoying and completing your task at hand well enough.

5) Before touching the task at hand, have in mind how you will reward yourself after finishing it off - be it Starbucks coffee, a ride on the swings at a nearby park or shopping something special with a good friend or anything else for that matter. Once you have decided on the reward, keep it at the back of your mind and start focusing on your task happily. You will finish your task promptly because of your enthusiasm and also because of the promise of the reward you have decided to give yourself.

Summing up, these are five great ways to increase your focusing power on tasks at hand either at work or home. You not only complete them but enjoy fully while doing them and beyond. You will exude confidence and above all, happiness and jubilation will envelope you. What better way is there to make you feel this way?

Rosina S Khan has authored this article, highlighting a few tips on how you can pay better attention to your task at hand.

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 By Rosina S Khan

Article Source: Keeping Your Focus - How to Pay Better Attention to What You're Doing

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