Keep on the Sunny Side

There are not many things of import in this world that you are able to directly control. Quite possibly the most important aspect of your life you will ever be able to control is the orientation of your mind and your thought process. I have learned that no matter how bad a situation is, it could always be much worse. During my time in the Navy I served on board a submarine. I don't want to bore you with the technical details, but suffice it to say it was not always a party underway. I learned during that time away from my family and civilization that it was a choice to be sad or upset about being out to sea. I thought that if I can't change being under water for months at a time, I can at least change my attitude about it.

Keep in mind that I was never overjoyed to be out to sea; however, I realized that moping around and being sad about my situation was not doing me any favors. I knew that I could be underway and miserable, or I could be underway with a good attitude. After I changed my mindset and refused to indulge in any self-pity my time on the sub became exponentially better.

I have since separated from the Navy, but still maintain the same thought process. I set a baseline for each day I have to face. That baseline is if I'm not on the boat then I'm having a good day. This is something that anybody can use to help themselves. When you wake up in the morning think to yourself of places you would never want to be, and then be comforted that you are not there. This approach to life is simple, and it will not always be easy. If you suffer the loss of someone close for instance. When faced with a situation like that understand that it is OK to be sad and miss that person. What is not OK is to stay in the pit of despair forever. I will not presume to tell anybody how long they should mourn for a loss, but I will say there comes a time when you have to pick yourself up and move forward with your life.

How do I stay positive when everything seems to be so negative? Simple, take a look at your environment and change whatever you can to better it. If the news makes you depressed, then watch less of the news. Or after you watch the news and become disheartened by what you see, find something that makes you laugh. If you're feeling blue one day, then look up pictures of puppies, kittens, ocean sunrises, etc. anything that you find happy and peaceful. Do not dwell on the things that you cannot change, but rather find the things you can and then change them.

Having a positive attitude is a trait that will take a conscious effort. You will have to learn how to best process the information that can change your mood, and then teach yourself the best way to move forward with a smile. For me, I refuse to stay sad for long. I made a choice years ago that I refuse to be a product of my environment, but rather will make my environment a product of me. Just remember that you have a choice and you have the power within yourself to make every day a good day. Be excited each morning that you wake up and can face a new day and you are given challenges that you can overcome. No matter what happens, you can always find at least one positive thing.

By Joshua Ward

Article Source: Keep on the Sunny Side

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