Is Looking Fat Now the Latest Trend?

Governments throughout the world are concerned about how much of humanity are now large or even obese members of society. Why has this come about? The way of life today has discouraged home cooking and encouraged the establishing of so many fast food outlets. Through this phenomenon it is so easy to stop and buy a take-out meal either for lunch or to take home with you after work. This relieves you of the chore of supermarket grocery shopping or food preparation. There is plenty of choice from fast-food outlets, even if it is fatty, high in sugar content, not nutritious, nor healthy! The prevalence of these fast-food outlets acts as enticement and encouragement for people to eat more at times that they would not normally consume food.

Eating in this manner will certainly encourage weight gain, showing first in your waistline and then spreading to other parts of your body, usually in the areas where it least looks good. You only have to look at a fat person poured into their clothing waddling in front of you to realize what an ugly sight so much fat looks like. So, why doesn't Mr or Mrs Average do something to contain and rectify this unpleasant sight of their extra flab?

Often people do not have the willpower to lose those extra pounds they gained. Basically, they are aware they should do something about it but have not got the stamina to diet or to watch what they eat more carefully. Unfortunately, comfort food like cakes and candy are items that are hard to do away with. You have to be very stern and committed if you want to succeed in going on a weight reducing program.

There are countries where the fatter you are, the more appeal you have for the opposite sex, this, however is not the norm in the Western world.

It is important to remember that overweight is not only most unhealthy it can be the cause of illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases. Diabetes is a disease now considered more common among children from an early age, which is very sad.

As well as a correct diet, getting sufficient exercise is most important. Spending your leisure time sitting watching television, instead of walking, or gardening, will certainly not help with any weight loss. The cost to medical aids and the world economy is now soaring due to obesity and associated symptoms of disease.

Hi, my name is Gloria Herman
During the past few years, I have been fortunate in being assigned projects, which have been inspiring and varied. From articles on various aspects of travel, to website content, forAsia, Australia, the USA and UK markets. This is supported by my own world travel and the knowledge of people gained from this experience.

For recreation, I write articles for publication with "Ezine Articles" as a "Platinum Expert Author".

 By Gloria Herman

Article Source: Is Looking Fat Now the Latest Trend?
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