Importance of a Work-Life Balance

Have you decided to become your own boss? Make your own hours? Create your own rules, and/or goals? Are you ready to become a successful entrepreneur?

Well, if your answer is yes - many successful business owners will tell you that a successful entrepreneur journey will include: making a lot of personal and family sacrifices; working many hours. Likewise, you must be dedicated, devoted and committed to your goal.

I personally agree with the above statements; I too believe that hardwork is admirable, yet one must remember that there is more to life than work. I reading a passage from the Book of Ecclesiastes 4:6 that mentioned "Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind," This passage helped me to realize that hard work is necessary and commendable but, not to the point of becoming a workaholic. A workaholic will never take the time to enjoy the fruitage of his labor - and to finally enjoy the reason he was motivated to work so hard in the first place- whether it was to make a better living for his/her children, mate parents etc.

I would like to help you cultivate a balanced view of work? Although many believe that a balanced work and personal life seems so unreal. But, I guaranteed if you keep a balance life; you will enjoy your work even more; you will enjoy spending time with family and friends even more.

Let me tell you how you can accomplish this:
1. Stop Trying to Be a Perfectionist - An executive coach name Marilyn Puder-York, PhD, once said, "the healthier option is to strive not for perfection, but for excellence". Likewise, individual will grow and their life responsibility will change including marriage, children, etc. Likewise, the older we become we must learn to balance, embrace and keep the habit of trying to become a perfectionist in check; because if we don't it could ruin meaningful relationships.

2. Do Not Focus On The Money - Many may say, this is the reason why I am working so hard is to attain riches and fame. Well, focusing on the money or material gain will not guarantee satisfaction. When entrepreneur's primary motivation is financial gain; these individuals are more likely to be depressed, tensed and anxious. In addition, once financial gain is achieved, the true reality is money cannot buy happiness. But, what can we do to turn this thought from a negative to positive -

Become passionate about your mission, vision or the purpose you started this business. Before you complete your entrepreneur journey - leave a something that people or the world can positively remember; a piece of charity that will change the world in an effective and helpful manner- "because even when a person has abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses." (Luke 12:15)

3. Being conceited and having a haughty or prideful attitude will not bring you true success- I recall reading a book called Good to Great and it mentioned that successful leaders achieved long-term success by having a modest and humble attitude. Likewise, when you think too much of yourself, you will spend more time on self than on what's important- the purpose of the company. And if this happens, your business will lead to failure instead of success which will eventually cause you to spend more time rebuilding your company.

4. Unplug Your Computers, Cut off your phones - Although technology is a great resource to remain connected to what's going on with your business; it has also created expectations of constant accessibility. It is very important to remember that everything has its own time and place- so make quality time at family dinner, kid's basketball game, soccer game, cheerleading practice, reading a bedtime story; make it count. Learn to take be a resilient individual; take control over your life, moments and or time.

5. Exercise Your Mind and Body - Entrepreneurs; you don't have to do a 30-minute intense exercise session at the gym to make a difference to your health. Here are a few tips:

1. Begin your morning with a productive physical or spiritual routine. In the morning feed yourself with spiritual matters and mediate on this information throughout the day; studies have showed that this has reduced anxieties over material interests. This will also allow you to focus on the more important things in life.

2. Physical Exercise could include a walk during lunch; you could create a culture for exercise at work; encouraging this type of activity. This will not only improve your mental clearness and ensure that you are using your work hours wisely but it will also leave a good example for your work environment.

In closing, it's easy to come up with the excuse that "I don't have time", I'm too stressed and tired" but, learning to balance work and personal life will eliminate excuses and waste of valuable time. The work-life balance will save your life physically, spiritually and financially. So never compromise your life for money or focusing on priorities that will never benefit you. But, always compromise your life to make a positive, an effective difference in the world and your blessings will surely come.

 By Cole Carter

Article Source: Importance of a Work-Life Balance
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