Hypnosis: Clearing the Past for an Amazing Future

Remember when you were just a few months old, crying in your crib and all you wanted was to be held and comforted? Instead, your mom just figured you were hungry and put a bottle in your mouth. This gave you a newfound sense of security from food, which is why when you get stressed out or sad you run right to the fridge or snack drawer to eat something you shouldn't.

Or maybe you remember when you were a one year old and you and your family were on a plane going on vacation. Normal turbulence arose and you had no idea what was going on which scared you dearly. You began to kick and scream and since then, you haven't been able to get back on a plane. All of your vacations are within a car or train ride away.

You obviously do not remember either of these events. How could you being that you were so young? Clearly, if you're like most people, you barely remember any events before 3 years of age, let alone when you were only a few months old. According to a study done by researchers at Emory University, most adults can not remember things before 7 years of age. This is called childhood amnesia, which is the incapacity to recall most events before the ages of 2-4. As we get older, that age grows to 10 and beyond leading you to always wonder where your issue began.

Now, at the age of 37, all your children's friends are going to Disney World and they are begging you to go. Unfortunately, you have a debilitating fear of flying. Being that they are so young, your children have no clue what you are going through and see you as the bad guy. It breaks your heart so you decide to go seek the help of a professional.

When they ask where this started, you tell them about the time you were 8 years old traveling on a plane with your family. The pilot said you were about to hit a little rough patch of bad weather. The plane started shaking and you became very anxious and scared. Things obviously worked out or you wouldn't be sitting in that chair.

The problem with this scenario is that the professional will now start working based off that specific incident, despite the fact that in your subconscious is the real event where this all begun. This is known as the initial sensitizing event, the absolute first time this symptom came up.

Since we consciously have zero recollection of the first flight where this fear began, how can we overcome without going deep into the subconscious where the memory exists? How can we stop stress eating without neutralizing the emotion contributing to this detrimental behavior? To accomplish this, we need to go back to the root and one of the most effective ways to do so is through hypnosis.

Without taking care of the root cause, mostly everything else we do to help alleviate the issue ends up being a mask, which is temporary. You can use shakes, wraps or diet pills to try to lose weight, but due to the initial cause still being there, you yoyo.

Using nicotine replacement products to quit smoking has a success rate of under 23% and a mere 15% after one year. This is because you haven't taken care of the emotions behind your smoking habit. It isn't because it is just a bad habit. It is because it has attached itself to something from your past.

So how does hypnosis clear the past? Using age regression, a hypnotist will have you focus on the feeling you get that leads to your symptom. He'll then have you follow it back all the way to the first time where he can help guide you to neutralize. At the same time, your "inner child" will receive a huge boost in self-love, empowerment and inspiration. You will also use forgiveness as a tool to let go of the past and clear the cobwebs.

While there are certain people who can overcome adversity without revisiting the past, they are few and far between. A famous hypnotherapist, Cal Banyan, once used this analogy: If you have weeds in your garden and you continue to simply mow the lawn, they keep coming back. But if you pull them from the root, they are gone forever.

Through hypnosis, you will pull those pesky roots and turn your life around. Who knows, you may inspire someone who is struggling in some way? The beauty of it is that you will experience the most amazing relaxation while purging your issues once and for all. If you have truly had it and are ready to change your future, hypnosis might be just what you have been looking for to overcome and persevere.

Greg Prasker, CH

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 By Greg Prasker

Article Source: Hypnosis: Clearing the Past for an Amazing Future

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