Heart Attack - Now No Longer a Distress

1. The most herculean Medicine: Food

I have personally followed a plant based diet for years now and it has done wonders to me. I would like to share few basic tips that could script a new beginning in your life. One thing that is worth mentioning here is for those who are skeptical about their age related to this barrier, age has nothing to do with this.

Be it 90 or 30 or even 20, you can follow it blindly. All we need is compassion and exuberating self- confidence to fight against this disease.

a. Have at least 5 cups of veggies a day.
It has been observed that some people are unshackled from the blind dependence that they tend to put on weight if they eat frequently. However the irony is that having eight or more servings a day would reduce the risk of this barrier by 30%as compared to those who consume one and a half servings or fewer. So it is recommended that you have at least 5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day. Let me mention here you can opt for berries - any berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries. These are excellent choices. For people who are simply bored of having fruits and vegetables on a daily basis- just chop them and prepare a green-based juice (with the fruits) in a blender. Believe me you will feel mint fresh.

b. Say Goodbye to monotonous life and make a welcome comeback
Our life style has undergone a sea change in the last few decades. Daily routine thrives primarily on sedentary work. Many of us would be surprised to learn that almost 75% are likely to develop metabolic syndrome, a cluster of problems that raise heart disease risk. So stop being a sederholmite and practice as much physical activity as you can. Design an Itinerary of small bouts of physical activity each day and do keep yourself motivated engage in some household chores.Walk as much as you can. As we all know that "Walking is a man's best medicine". In addition to this, going out for a brisk walk early in the morning while listening to bird's chirp against the backdrop of a sunrise is in itself an exhilarating experience. You will feel energized and this also increases production of happy hormones. After all a happy heart is a healthy heart.

c. Make daily dose of this nutrient mandatory in your routine: "YOGA"
Empower your life with streaming yoga practices. Patients who are victim of the most prevalent heart rhythm perturbation- atrial fibrillation, practiced yoga for three months had fewer episodes. Many experts have reported that people who exercise daily even for 20 minutes, had lower resting heart rate and blood pressure compared to those who didn't do the exercise.

So friends gear up yourself to make sure that you do not suffer from this disease or else be ready to face the music.

"What's the world for if you can't make it up the way you want it to be".

 By Divya Manocha

Article Source: Heart Attack - Now No Longer a Distress
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