Four Wonderful Major Sri Chakra Temples Near Chennai in India to Visit and Get All Types of Benefits

In my first article I have described the secrets of Sri Yantra. In the next article I have given the scientific findings of the famous Russian scientist Alexie Pavlovich Kulaichev.

In this article we will see four famous temples in which Sri Chakra have been designed correctly and installed.

There is a famous temple in Mangadu, situated 15 miles south of Chennai. (Madras as it was called in earlier days) This is the only temple solely dedicated to Sri Chakra in the whole of India. The Sri Yantra is said that the first Sankaracharya, generally known as Adi Shankara has installed it. In the entrance hall of the temple there is a stone image of Adi Shankara. The temple is very big with compound walls. But these walls were demolished by the Mohammadan invaders. Later these have been rebuilt. Thousands of devotees used to visit this Sri Yantra holy temple every day.

There is one more temple at Thiruvottiyur situated ten miles north of Chennai. A Kali Yantra has been installed here. This Yantra is a big one and has been covered by a big black stone of three feet diameter and one and half-inch thick. This is said to be installed by Adi Shankara. Since this divine geometry is of ferocious one it was covered by the black stone by Shankara. It is very interesting to note that there are 27 Shiva lingas representing the 27 celestial constellations of stars. The temple is very famous and thousands of devotees are thronging here every day to have the holy sight of the deity.

There is one more temple at Thiruverkadu situated 12 miles west of Chennai. The temple is called Devi Yogakumari temple. Here also a Sri Chakra of size one foot by one foot by one foot has been installed.

The city Kanchipuram is very famous for its Kamakshi temple. It is situated at 72 kilometers south-west of Chennai. The Yantra installed here is called as Bhuprastara Sri Chakra of size 18"x18". Thousands of devotees are thronging it every day. The Yantra is surrounded by a stone wall and only the priest is allowed inside. The chakra was of a ferocious type. In order to make it amenable for worship, Adi Shankara has mitigated the ferocity of the icon of Kamakshi by drawing the fierce aspect.

It is said that Adi Shankara himself drew the Chakra here, in the temple of Kamakshi and consecrated it. The significant Yantra bestows all benefits to the visitors coming for worship.

The entire land of India is thus fully protected by the various Yantras installed at vulnerable points. The locations of these temples, longitude and latitude wise, if studied well, will reveal their wonderful significance specifically chosen for various aspects.

Good Luck to all who read this article. Have a Sri Chakra installed in your home and worship it every day. And don't forget to offer some offerings after worship even it is of a small measure.

Nagarajan has written more than 3000 articles in Tamil in 18 magazines and published 52 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. He has covered various subjects in his wide range of articles which include Mantras, Yantras, Yoga, Meditation, Astrology, Astronomy, Space Science, Science and Spirituality, Hollywood cinema, Women's progress, Aura, Significance of Colors, Reincarnation, Divine Geometry, Power of Prayer etc. As an ardent seeker of Truth, he has collected scientific experiments on mantras, mind, Auto suggestion etc. He has written many articles on para psychology also. His email:

 By Santhanam Nagarajan

Article Source: Four Wonderful Major Sri Chakra Temples Near Chennai in India to Visit and Get All Types of Benefits
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