The base of heterogeneity between humans & animals or living & dead is "to dream for". Living with dreams is the finest ever thing to employ time in this universe. It indulges us to enhance the level of existence, thinking, and collaboration with others. It forges us what actually we are. But to know "what actually we are", is not alike an open book phenomena.
Many people are living their lives with no-dream approach and their fates are mainly controlled by others, therefore have become puppets in this world. They don't even know about the powers lie in their self. Meanwhile techniques with relentless efforts have made it possible to unveil this universally accepted predicament of knowing your supremacies and controls. While, I have also formulated some ways to discover the dreams within self. It covers three simple approaches of self-review and self-analysis.
Insight Review: Just stop yourself where ever you are in life substances, look inside you, evaluate and gather data that defines your good & bad, like & dislike, love & hate, passion & depression, actions & excuses, up & down, wish & need etc. Actually it is an internal insight analysis. That will result in useful output with all veiled figures of you.
To embark it on, start to give more time to you. Be familiar with your solitude. Be friend of yourself. Talk to you, inquire about you, and go through your history events. It will answer your inner self. Yoga, Mediation, Prayers, wandering in natural places are some of ways that will definitely support this step.
Enlist Powers: Now classify this information with respect to level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. What sort of feelings, passions, habits, and activities let you enable to feel happy and unveil covert ecstasy? Enlist all such things as these are core part of your dream. All these lie in the essence of your delight and contentment. It will soar towards dream formation.
Like "ah!, I am best in this; I would love to do this again and again".
"Sure, These are my strengths, I am proud of and I would carry this on my way towards bright future".
"I really have wished this in all my life to go there, and make that happen"
"I know this will help me, as I am unique one".
It is expression of knowing the worth of self. It tells how much important you are in your own point of view for your own-self. And these are the activities/steps/yearnings for which I have been here in this world to accomplish and I would love to make these happen in my life.
Rank the Power: Following the analysis, you are capable to know your pleasure motive, the base of dream. Now categories all these wishes/activities and set the priority level. This level should be self-ecstasy based. Rank these as per your bliss and confidence and then adopt the approach to indulge into. Your confidence at certain top ranked activity is actually your power and control over it. The more you believe in it the more you will be specialized in it. Ultimately, it will become your identity. Here is the stage where your dream dwells. Mere attention at this point will clarify all bits and tads of your dream.
If you will practice above approach, it will widen your vision towards life that you were living without any theme. And various factors like inner peace, personality development, How to Live Happily, Optimism will communicate with your life.
By Waqas Ahmed Alvi
Article Source: Discover Your Dreams