Daily Contemplation Prayers for Power and Direction

Father in heaven, Lord of my life in Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit's power,

YOUR PRESENCE - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

In this, my daily prayer, as I sit/stand/kneel before You, I hope to know You, today, by Your Presence and Power in my life. This is my first prayer. As a Christ follower, I need You. I need You close to me, giving me Your protection and provision, and inviting me into You even as I experience same.

Teach me by Your Spirit, a correct worship, a holy way for living my life for Your glory. Place within me Your Sabbath Rest as I still myself and allow You to be God over my entire life - the fullest sense of worship - over my present moment, now.

I AM STILL - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly


YOUR GRACE - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

My second prayer, Lord, is help me know how unworthy I am in and of myself, today, apart from Jesus, whose grace has saved me, and who makes me wholly worthy. Convince me so that I know I'm not as good as I think I am, and help me understand I'm not the victim my double-mindedness wants me to believe and propagate. Help me see Satan's wiles and snares, so in that moment I can call on You, Lord. Make me also to see my pocket entitlement; that rather than thinking I deserve this or that, that in truth I deserve nothing, but are given everything already in Christ.

I AM CHRIST'S - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly


YOUR AWARENESS - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

My third prayer is that You would help me not hurt anyone, today, for I have such a dangerous tongue, and, that if I do, You'll give me the awareness and the courage to be able to make quick amends. Save others from me, Lord - the me without You. I am a person of unclean lips so susceptible to feeling hurt. God, make me more mature. But also, make me gentler on myself. May there be integrity between Your Word as I meditate on it, and the words my lips utter.

I AM AWARE - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly


YOUR PRAISE - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

Give me the cognisance of Your grace that created the heavens and the earth, Lord. Bring before me the awareness of Your awesomeness, and bring forth instinctive praise from my lips. Cause gratitude to well up like a bubbling spring from deep within my soul. Sustain me in that joy. This, my fourth prayer, I can pray, today, having gotten some truths off my chest. Help me turn negatives into positives, Father. Enable me to replace anxieties and uncertainties with stillness and security, in You, for You who created all creation can create anything by the law of love.

I AM IN AWE - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly


YOUR TRUTH - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

Oh Lord, help me to carry the awareness of my sin ever before me, not so I may be condemned - because I know I'm not - but that through knowing the truth, that the truth would set me free. You have taught me, Lord, that it's only when I see the log in my own eye that I do not notice the speck in the others' eye that otherwise proves unhelpful. Thank You for the glorious gift of this wisdom. This, today, my fifth prayer.

I AM HONEST - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly


YOUR WISDOM - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

And, today, more wisdom. My sixth prayer is for wisdom, Lord. I lack it so much. The errors of my sinful nature have revealed this truth to me, God. You put people into my life, and You put me into life situations, that I would depend on You by drawing on them to discern Your way for my life. Show me how to keep proper perspective in when and how to draw upon others without living a life dependent on others making my decisions for me. In the moment, help me reconcile the wisdom I so clearly lack.

I AM DEPENDENT - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly


YOUR PROTECTION - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

My seventh and final prayer, Lord, is for safety and health, today, for everyone in my world; my wife, my children, my family, my friends, my work colleagues, to the extent of everyone I know. Direct our paths to safety, God. Bless us and keep us, Lord.


I AM SAFE - inhale fresh air, breathe the words out slowly

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray these prayers,


Steve Wickham holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

 By Steve Wickham

Article Source: Daily Contemplation Prayers for Power and Direction
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