Committed Faith and Energy

When being exposed to new experiences, thoughts help to determine success or failure, ease or difficulty, pursuit or abandonment of accepting or rejecting involvement. These are common thoughts regarding abilities to accomplish tasks. Investing in positive thinking carries the load and opens opportunities for success. A common encouragement heard since childhood was: "Where there is a will, there is a way." Committed faith and energy opens a personalized version of this saying: "When there is a way, I will achieve it." Positive thinking is the fuel needed to negate quitting when the going gets tough - remember the movie "Rudy;" a real life story of a young man who wanted to play football for Notre Dame. Rudy truly exemplified committed faith and energy.

Watching athletes perform, it's easy to say they are so talented; or they were gifted with talent. In reality, these athletes developed their talents through hard work and lots of practice. They were dedicated to faith in themselves and committed to giving the energy to overcome what had to be many obstacles. Faith in themselves and what they wanted to accomplish was the fuel that fed the energy expended. In all, they started out just as most young and successful people. They had a dream, and they committed themselves to complete that dream no matter the challenges encountered. Where are you with your commitment to success and happiness?

"Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor." (Jackson Browne) Dancing to the beat of your drum is reflected in your readiness to learn new and difficult things. Opportunities are gifts presented to those aware and ready to receive them. This awareness comes from your ability to receive information, focus, understand, and take action. Your dance begins when decisions are based on reality, determination, desire, and drive. They all exist within you. Be present on the dance floor, and start beating your drum!

Hurry up and wait is one of life's many races. Perseverance is a key to success as it allows effort to be expended in positive directions. Impatience is emotionally driven and lacks rational reasoning. Sitting in traffic, arguing with a loved one, standing in line at the DMV are examples where impatience rules. There are many others. Perseverance is a skill learned by controlling your thoughts. The question, "What can I do right now?" is a good starting point for positive effort!

Fighting the good fight is a character building experience. The good fight is being aware of your thoughts and desires, understanding the benefits and consequences of the commitment being made, and taking appropriate actions to attain positive and productive outcomes. Character building is a matter of personal strength, vision, ambition, and success. Committed faith and energy are your tools. You can do it!

Sticking your neck out is a way to connect with a challenge. Challenges are presented in various ways, but always demand a reaction or a response. A reaction tends to be emotional and irrational, while a response is thoughtful and rational. Reactions lead to unproductive behavior and quitting, while responses generate new options and productive results. Responses also involve risks, the bulldozer making challenges quiver! With committed faith, wisely stick your neck out, take the risk, and feast on productivity. You'll enjoy the progress.

"It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out, it's the pebble in your shoe." (Muhammad Ali) It's the little challenges that drive worry in our thoughts. The better we get at worrying, the more prone we become to anxiety. Anxiety is a fear of the unknown, a totally irrational fear because battling an unknown results only in confusion, as there is nothing to hang on to. Little challenges need to be managed with best efforts and then set aside. Dealing with them differs from avoidance. Energy used for managing prepares you for the larger challenges - the ones that extract physical energy to manage. Remove the pebbles, climb your mountains, and achieve success! Committed faith and energy are worthy values; embrace them and achieve what you can do, and do to the best of your abilities.

Dr. Mike
Exposure to new experiences generates thoughts; positive thinking carries the load and opens opportunities for success. Positive thinking is the fuel to negate a "quitting attitude." When the going gets tough, it's time for you to keep going. This article will stimulate your thoughts and bring you to new levels of awareness.

 By Michael S Haro, Ph.D

Article Source: Committed Faith and Energy

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