Be Wise: Choose Wisely

Bewilderment is active thought, searching and seeking fundamental answers to life's challenges. Answers are starting blocks, firming up the push to establish wisdom. Finding reality is a process that involves facts, beliefs, and myths. These raise awareness, and once examined and sorted serve to foster understanding. Together, awareness and understanding create a pathway of measurable experiences, leading to wisdom. Managing the journey reduces the bewilderment. Wise choices consisting of clear, active thoughts bring about productivity and success.

Every day is a new day, bringing forth new life experiences. Routines may begin to fill waking hours, some becoming boring and lackluster. These elements are prone to create conditions that block or retard development. Self-defeating thoughts create negative behaviors and encourage unwise decision-making. Understanding that conditions are factors (like the weather) one has little to no control over. A condition cannot be changed or wished away. Rather it requires behavior to manage as best one is able. Seeking adjustments, experimenting with new ideas, and implementing productive alternatives to challenges are avenues to achieving satisfactory results. Another effective process is to remove "I can't thinking" and replace it with "What can I do?" Wise choices and accomplishment lets you experience wisdom in action.

The mind is a powerful instrument. It takes us places we've never been; it challenges us to do things we've never done; it encourages us to replace hate with love; and, it makes all these things possible through belief. It is amazing how we can do things over and over, never stopping to consider what they mean. Belief in what we do creates awareness, understanding, and purpose. When these three units are operational, all things are possible. Belief starts with knowledge and continues to expand with understanding. Follow-through and completion result in satisfaction and success.

We develop common sense by experimenting and experiencing with results. Wise choices and wisdom is learned from both beneficial and harmful experiences. If harmful, be wise and never repeat those behaviors. This is called positive learning! When experiences are beneficial, repeat behaviors as long as they continue to be rewarding. This is called living, loving, and enjoying life for what it is meant to be! "As you think, so you go" is a good motto. Your thoughts direct your actions and behavior.

Each day we awake is a blessing, and a gift of life. We can make any day what we choose it to be - happy, sad, exciting, worry filled, enlightening, or depressing. It's our choice. A common weather complaint heard is, "But the sun's not shining!" Reality is it is shining above the clouds. When you think negative thoughts, you produce negative affects. Positive thoughts invoke a sense of wonder, and this is no small thing! Conditions, those things out of our control, happen. Asking "What can I do right now?" presents a wise choice for us to manage forward! The "sunny side" consists of positive thoughts leading to the beauty and wonders of life. Choose to think positive thoughts, replace negatives, and bring happiness, productivity, and success to your endeavors.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! As each new day begins, let enthusiasm be a major aspect in your life. Understand the power and blessing you are to others, and them to you. May love and peace be the foundation on which you build this day and every day. You are blessed with many gifts. Be aware, relish, and share the power of enthusiasm - a blessing you offer to others. This will illuminate your wise choices, and guide your wisdom for decision-making.

Life's struggles and challenges have a way of deflating one's spirit. In reality, these conditions are little more than potholes in the road - a little bumpy, but manageable. Maintaining control "shows class;" believing you are okay "presents pride;" and effectively managing "displays character." In all ways you are a winner when you live life with faith, hope, love. And, as the Good Book says, "the greatest is these is love!" Thoughts guide your actions, and winning thoughts belong to winners. Be wise and choose to be a winner.

Dr. Mike
Being aware, understanding, and making wise choices is a learning task encouraged, and often expected. Knowing personal strengths and limitations are a major part of awareness. Organizing experiences and deciding on paths to pursue are associated with understanding. Processing and moving forward is directed by behaviors selected to pursue your decisions.

 By Michael S Haro, Ph.D

Article Source: Be Wise: Choose Wisely

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