Be Negative in a Positive World

Those of you who have read some of my other articles will know that I am all about the power of positivity and have shared a lot of very simple techniques to help us all achieve our personal potential regardless of the endeavors undertaken.

What happens when regardless of how many of these tips and tricks you implement you simply find yourself falling straight back down in your commitment and purpose?

Don't despair. It happens to the best of us.

One of the things that I do apart from the creative side of things is offer consulting services, mainly in the IT space to various organizations. Let me share with you a little insight into a certain client that will remain nameless as I don't want to be sued!

Over my extensive time working internationally with many different organizations, I have come across countless different company cultures, attitudes, goals and attitudes. In pretty much all these cases, no matter how bad - I've always been able to find a way to bring my natural positive outlook to different projects and goals- and preserve my sanity.

Until now.

I was once hired as a consultant to help out a certain billion dollar international project. Different staff scattered across the globe from Australia to Europe, the US and Asia. This is not an unusual setup for these times, although definitely challenging. Right from the outset on day one, when I actually felt a physical wall of hopelessness and despair in the office I knew I had my work cut out for me.

A few days in the trenches and I could list about a thousand different minor things about the culture and environment that was slowly adding to each individuals negative outlook. I won't go into the little details about everything, suffice to say that there were many and like a waterfall came straight from the top.

So, along I come and every day I was waking up and motivating myself to get the job done. In the normal course of my days prior to this engagement I would not have to re-energize myself unless I was having a particularly bad day. What I found happening though was that I had to pull our every trick in my book - continuously!

So there I was, someone who actually teaches others on self-motivation, personal and professional development actually hating waking up and going to that office.

What do you do?

Well let me say to you right now, this isn't always easy and I don't advocate it in the first instance but there will be times in your life when you just cannot find a middle ground - whether that be in your professional or personal life.


Obviously there are certain ways to execute this. In my case I actually went against my natural instincts of implementing the processes and just went along with documenting them in general for the client. I then undertook to help those that actually wanted it on a personal level and walked away from the others. It's like trying to help an alcoholic who hasn't accepted that they are an alcoholic. You'll be butting your head against a brick wall. In this case, the company in question was really looking for someone who was going to confirm their own findings and weren't actually interested in seeing the reality of the situation.

No amount of money will make it better. (Yes, they actually offered an obscene amount to me which I graciously declined... no yacht for me this week!)

Don't think bad about yourself and who you are. There are certain times in your life when you just have to get up and walk away after you have tried what you can.

Say No. Walk Away. Stay true to yourself and live a happier life.

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site

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By Frank Perez

Article Source: Be Negative in a Positive World
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