A New Creation

This article tells us who we really are. We are the sons and daughters of an all mighty God.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

We are well into 2017. Not long ago, I'm sure, like many people, you were enthusiastic about making resolutions. It is natural for us to strive to do, feel and be better people. We believe making resolutions will help us achieve just that. People make resolutions because they want some sort of change in their life. They are not content with who they are.

There are many reasons why resolutions fail? The commitment is not there, people lose interest, not enough time or my heart isn't into it. I believe the main reason is because people are out of touch with their real self.

God created us in His image. The first Adam smeared that image with sin. The second Adam, Jesus, wiped that slate clean with His blood. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians as a result of accepting Christ, we are in Christ and He is us. We are a new creation. The old has passed away.

The first Adam in us died with Christ. What happens to those old thoughts and habits? We still possess them. God wants us to grow more like Jesus. To do this, we must do what He did and surrender everything to the will of the Father.

The Lord spoke to Isaiah in 43:18 "do not think of the former things or the past because I will do something new." The Lord spoke to Isaiah in 65:17 that, "He will create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind." These verses tell us to release the past and concentrate on the new.

We live in a fallen world. We grip the old self for security because it's familiar. Clinging to the old, we walk in darkness, instead of the light. Isn't it time we live the way of truth? The truth is we are sons and daughters of an almighty and loving Father. We have been called out of that abyss to walk with Jesus.

Daily, we have a choice of how we want to live. God doesn't see our old life. So why should we? That life ended the day we accepted Jesus. Jesus' death frees the believer for a new existence. We died with Christ, rose with Him and are glorified with Him now. We are God's children made in His image and likeness.

We have a powerful God who doesn't know fear and cannot be hurt. God is whole, perfect and complete. Nothing can be added or taken away from Him. He created us the same way. He knows no other way. His desire is for us to go from the darkness to light.

It is not our identity we need to change but our mind. Paul writes, "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Let the past be the past. The Holy Spirit resides in us giving us the power to know God and live as his children. With the help of the Spirit, we are capable of a complete transformation in every area of our life. Walking in the light, gives us the freedom to feast at the banquet table here on earth as we will in heaven. We can experience the fruits of love, joy and peace right now because that is our true nature. The only nature God knows.

What path will you walk today? The path of the old dark self or the path of the new glorious self?

By Art Fahy

Article Source: A New Creation

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