8 Ways to Live a Happier Life

This topic resonates so much with me, I have fallen in and out of depression, there was even a time in my life when I contemplated suicide, happiness looks kind of easy, but it is such a task and it's something people strive for but often difficult to reach.

In this article, I present to you 8 ways to live a happier life, based on my personal experience and what has worked for me; Enjoy.

1. You need Faith in your life.According to an online dictionary, Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. I don't care whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, or what church you attend; all that doesn't matter. You need Faith in God in your life, that's what will pull you through the challenges of life. Faith gives you this confidence and quiet trust during life turmoil.

2. Be Thankful.Happy people are always thankful people. There are so many things to be thankful for; things that you would ordinarily overlook; the gift of sleep, a bed, food, safety, good health etc. Practice the attitude of gratitude, it makes you appreciate life.

3. Do something, you Love.One of the biggest sources of unhappiness is expending your energy on things that you don't love. Most often times we do things simply because we have to or to fulfill the expectations of others. For example, you may be working at a job you absolutely hate because of the salary, job security etc. Instead of spending your energy on something you don't love, why not concentrate your energy on something that you love and watch your self-esteem and happiness soar. Success can only come when you do something you love.

4. Flush out every form of Negativity.You can't be happy when there's negativity around you; negative people, negative thinking, and negative words.

5. Have a positive attitude.Be optimistic about life. More than half of the things we worry about never happen. Great things happen, when you think positively and have the right attitude. People with a good attitude are active and productive. Attitudes drive behavior. If you want to → succeed at anything you need to have the → right mindset. When you adopt a positive attitude, life becomes a rewarding adventure instead of something to get through.

6. Surround yourself with loving, supportive people.We cannot run life alone, it is not an individual race; we need other people. Social interactions can be a source of happiness. We're social beings, even if you're an introvert or a loner. Life's too short to live it completely alone. People with perceived positive social relationships even live longer. So be social, surround yourself with people who make you feel good, and release those who make you feel bad.

7. Travel.Don't spend life in one little corner; take some time out to see the world (while you still can). Travelling is an escape from reality, gives you a new breath of life, moreover, it's an opportunity to meet different people. Meeting people and seeing new ways of living, expands your horizon, gives you exposure and a new zest for living.

8. LaughWhat do I mean by Laugh? Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously. Don't beat yourself up for making mistakes. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Sometimes, laugh at the mistakes you make and move on.

In summary, in life; it is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind. The only source of → happiness - and unhappiness - comes from inside you.

Happiness is not something that comes to you. It is something you create now, today. Waiting for something to change in order to be happy is waiting to live → your life.

Thank you for reading; I love to hear from you. Kindly share your thoughts about this topic. I would also love to know in what ways you stay happy when faced with daunting problems.

I blog at http://www.memoirsofagreatlady.com

 By Adejoke Adeyanju

Article Source: 8 Ways to Live a Happier Life
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