4 Natural Ways To Treat External Hemorrhoids

There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal and external. External hemorrhoids typically appear as small tender lumps located around the rectum area.

External hemorrhoids tend to be a lot more painful than internal stage one hemorrhoids. However, there are many ways to treat external hemorrhoids. Listed below are four natural treatments for external hemorrhoids.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent which comes from a plant called Hamamelis Virginiana.

Witch hazel is a common ingredient found in many over the counter hemorrhoid treatments.

It contains antiseptic, astringent and inflammatory properties which make it an excellent treatment for external hemorrhoids.

When used on hemorrhoids, witch hazel will help to ease the pain, clean the area, reduce the swelling and stop the bleeding.

It can be applied directly to the affected area using a cotton ball or a clean soft cloth.

Witch hazel can be used several times daily to keep the swelling and irritation to a minimum. It is also suggested that witch hazel be used after each bowel movement.

Butcher's Broom

Butcher's Broom is natural remedy that is derived from a plant called Ruscus Aculeatus.

Butcher's broom works to improve circulation, constrict capillaries, keep blood from pooling, alleviate constipation and reduce swelling.

All of these properties make it an ideal treatment for hemorrhoids.

To treat hemorrhoids, Butcher's Broom can be used directly or the hemorrhoid or taken in capsule form.

When taken orally, it is recommended that you take between 150 to 300 mg two to three times daily for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Before taking Butcher's Broom, you should consult with your doctor to be sure it will not interfere with any other medications you are currently taking.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is packed with vitamins, mineral and amino acids. It has been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments from digestion to various skin conditions.

Aloe Vera possesses astringent, antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is an effective treatment for hemorrhoids because it rejuvenates and heals tissue, shrinks swelling, reduces pain and soothes and calms the area.

The most effective and purest form of Aloe comes directly from the plant.

To use for external hemorrhoids, cut the leaf to expose the gel, then extract the gel and apply directly to the hemorrhoid.

Aloe Vera also comes in drink form and can be taken to help heal the body and improve digestion.


Triphala is an ayurvedic herb that is a combination of three fruits. It is a natural antioxidant that promotes digestion, keeps the bowels regular and helps to heal and repair tissue and cells in the body.

Since Triphala works to improve digestion and keep bowels regular, it can help reduce the likely hood of hemorrhoids reoccurring.

Triphala is available in tea, capsule, tablet or liquid form. For correct dosage amounts you should follow the recommendations on the label.

When suffering with hemorrhoids, these four natural remedies will work to help get your situation under control.

In addition to these natural treatments for hemorrhoids, you can also use other home remedies such as warm sitz baths, fiber supplements and applying ice to the area.

If these treatments are not providing any relief from your condition within a week or two you should contact your physician for additional treatment options.

To learn more about treating external hemorrhoids and to get a free copy of our report The Truth About Hemorrhoids visit http://getridofhemorrhoidsfast.com

 By Katie James

Article Source: 4 Natural Ways To Treat External Hemorrhoids
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