Year End Grief Review

In the world of business there is a year-end review. Profit and loss is under serious scrutiny. Did we meet our goals? Are we better off than we were before? What actions should we take for next year?

You might consider a year-end grief review. Have you overcome or reconciled your grief and sorrow? Your happiness should receive serious inspection. What is your loss? Are you better off as you begin another year? What healing solutions do you yet need to take?

Grief Partners
Grief, almost always, brings along one or more partners, such as: confusion, helplessness, anger, and uncertainty.

"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair". ~Old Chinese Proverb

As you consider your life condition have you been able to reconnect to happiness and peace? Is your life fuller and does the light of joy surround you? Have you taken steps to make the best of your condition? Have you been able to flush out your grief partners? Transformation from grief to peace and happiness should have been one of your year-end goals. What steps do you yet need to consider?

Your Unique Grief Circumstance
Although you may have felt the necessity to take a brief hiatus from your life it should not be too long. A happiness interruption is not supposed to be lasting. Some grief happenings result in serious permanent physical and emotional conditions. This requires you to dig deeper than ever before as you take actions to reconcile your grief and make the best of your condition.

"Look well into thyself. There is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou will always look there." ~Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

You must ask the question: "Given my circumstance what can I do?"

Tears of the soul can help heal. You should never be ashamed of the tears of sorrow you shed.

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief... and unspeakable love." ~Washington Irving

Perhaps only you understand the depth of your sorrow. Communion with your God as you express your tears of sorrow and loss may give you inspiration and added strength.

Grief Resolution
With most serious challenges encountered, that cause

significant grieving, as we insist on getting an immediate perfect resolution-the one and only answer-we are utterly paralyzed by the complexity and size of the problem. A better answer may be to accept gradual imperfect solutions as you act upon taking small steps and move towards grief relief.

"As great scientists have said and as all children know, it is above all by the imagination that we achieve perception, and compassion, and hope." ~Ursula K. LLeGuin

There is strength and power in resolution if that resolve is to overcome and transform your condition to something better. Sincere unconditional resolution results in personal empowerment and more peace and joy.

Getting rid-of your unique personal grief partners should be your year-end goal. You should review how well you have done to transform your grief and loss to a richer fuller life. Even though your condition may be unique and challenging it must not be a permanent happiness and joy interruption. Don't forget tears of the soul can help heal. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. Sincere unconditional resolution can result in personal empowerment and more peace and joy.

Do you want to Discover 7 Effective Solutions for Overcoming Your Grief, Recover from Your Loss and Reclaim Happiness? Visit to get your FREE 7-day audio and e-course. ($97 value)
Duane H. Marchant is a Grief Relief Specialist who supports men and women throughout the world. He is an amputee, author, speaker, coach and founder of Grief Relief Academy. He believes life is precious and dedicates his time to healing hearts and drying eyes, one at a time.

 By Duane Marchant

Article Source:  Year End Grief Review

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