Why Leaders Must Keep Constituents INFORMED

Although many who ascend to positions of leadership, often, avoid explaining, in too much detail, the obstacles and challenges facing their organization, perhaps, because they fear reactions, etc, I have discovered, in my four decades of identifying, qualifying, training and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, it is essential to overcome these fears, etc, and respect one's constituents, and their abilities to make well - conceived decisions, and trust them (and yourself and your ideas) sufficiently, to inform them fully, and keep them in the loop! While there might always be some (at times, it might seem like the majority) who want to be left in the dark (uninformed, etc), the group, as a whole will benefit, in the long - run, when a leader discloses challenges, obstacles, plans and ideas! Let's look at some of the ways, and reasons, leaders must keep constituents INFORMED.

1. Information; integrity; ideas; ideology; inclusion: How can anyone make an informed decision, unless he has access to the relevant information? How can anyone hope to be an effective leader, without doing so, because it is inherent upon a real leader, to maintain absolute integrity? Shouldn't you exchange ideas, consider your ideology, and be an inclusive leader?

2. Needs; news: One can fool some of the people, some of the time, as the adage goes! However, eventually doing so will catch up with you, and perhaps, destroy any basis for effectively leading! A leader's purpose is to provide service to his constituents, and enhance their experiences, and, in order to do so, one must articulate relevant news (and its impact), while consistently seeking to address needs, concerns and priorities!

3. Face facts; foster: Continuing to speak mistruths, never makes them true! Face the facts, create a plan, and encourage others to join you, in the quest! This behavior will foster stronger relationships, and a higher degree of mutual trust and understanding.

4. Options; opportunities; organize: Telling half - truths, or worse, generally limits one's choices and opportunities. Consider options, and organize your group, to get the best long - term result!

5. Relevant; real; rationale: Explain your rationale, and reasoning, to the satisfaction of your constituents. Avoid empty promises and rhetoric, and keep it real. Prioritize what is relevant, and stop sweating the petty stuff!

6. Merits; message: Openly consider issues based on the merits, rather than because of bias, prejudice, or because something has always been done that way! Tailor your message to the needs, concerns and priorities, of those you serve!

7. Explain; earn; excellence: Remember, you generally have much more information available, and somewhat greater knowledge, than those less involved! Therefore, explain things thoroughly, in terms others will understand and relate to. Yow will only earn their respect, when you continuously seek excellence!

8. Delve deeply; deliver: Avoid the dangerous, sometimes easier way, which is rushing to judgment. Rather, you must delve deeply into the issues, consider ramifications, heritage, needs, etc, and always under - promise, and over - deliver!

Avoid hiding things from those you serve, regardless of how pure you believe your reasons, for doing so, may be! Rather, seek to keep your constituents INFORMED.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why Leaders Must Keep Constituents INFORMED

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