Who You Think You Are

That is the most important question you will ever answer. It is what determines your whole life, every aspect from happiness, health, wealth, relationships, for the rest of your days. Don't you think it's important enough to take a few moments to ponder the question and give your best answer?

It's very popular to repeat, "thoughts become things" and feel very spiritually enlightened, but the reality is, we don't really believe that or we'd be far more selective in our thinking and speaking. We'd pay more attention to the self talk going on in our heads all day long. We would not have a lot of the conversations with friends about what's wrong, if we really believed thoughts become things.

Take note of your inner dialogue, what are you saying to yourself all day long? What are you declaring to be true about you and your life? Are you desiring to be healthy and talking about how a certain dis-ease runs in your family? Would you like a better relationship yet continue to tell everyone who will listen what's wrong with your partner or how you have bad luck concerning choosing partners?

Perhaps money is your goal and yet you continue to talk about how bad the economy is and how hard it is to make and keep money. Would you like a smaller body and yet you go on and on about how food makes you fat or is bad for you?

I hope you see my point. Who are you? Who do you believe yourself to be? You are imagining it all into form, making it real based on your set of mind. It's time to take a close and honest look at how powerful you actually are and use that power in a way that determines your life in the way you wish to live it. Yes, it does take practice and self discipline to change what and how you think. You can do it if you really do want a different life. You are the only one who can bring change about in your life too. There is no one else with the power to do it to or for you.

Starting now, begin noticing what you believe about yourself and your life. Make the changes a bit at the time. If you were the person you want to be, how would you think? Start there. Be easy, have fun with the process.

The ball is in your court! Who do you say you are?

You already have the power to Create a Life You Love. Be Live Happy http://www.BeLiveHappy.com You can be happy, let's do it together!

 By Donna Devane

Article Source: Who You Think You Are

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