What Is Your FAVORITE Leadership Behavior?

How someone chooses to behave, and/ or what seems to come naturally, is often an excellent indication, of whether or not, he will become a quality, effective leader! Leadership training programs can help introduce essential, important, necessary facts, concepts, ideas, and approaches, but whether someone will effectively transform them, from training, to learning, to judgment, and gain wisdom, often is dictated by his persona! Be objectively introspective, and examine yourself, by performing a check - up, from the neck - up! Left to your own devices, what comes naturally, and how do you react, under pressure, or some sort of adversity. Is your FAVORITE way of behaving and reacting, helpful, or harmful, to getting things done and achieved, which are needed and necessary?

1. Face facts: Don't be one of those people who bury their heads in the sand, in an attempt to avoid reality and/ or taking actions. Rather than procrastinating, great leaders face facts, and examine alternatives and possibilities, rather than running away or avoiding doing what a leader must do!

2. Attitude; action: It's not about what you say, or the quality of one's rhetoric! Rather, proceed with a can - do, positive attitude, regardless of the challenges and/ or obstacles. Henry Ford is credited with saying, You can believe you can, or can't; either way you'll be correct. A positive action expands one's mindset and is solutions - oriented, because it leads to examination, and taking timely, well - considered action!

3. Vital vision; values: Do you possess the type of vital vision, which will elevate your organization, as well as motivating both you, and those you serve and represent? Do you respect the values of the organization, and remain true to them, when it might be simpler to resort to taking a shortcut?

4. Originality; options: Each true leader must put his personal fingerprint, on the group he leads! Use quality, well - considered originality, and motivate others to care more deeply! Examine alternatives, and know which options might be the best course of action!

5. Relevant; reliable: Does your behavior and approach, focus on relevant solutions, or does it simply look at limited options? Will you be perceived, by others, as being a reliable leader, because you are consistently prepared, ready and willing?

6. Integrity; ideas; ideology: Nothing you do, or say, will resonate as it must, unless you consistently maintain absolute integrity! Share your positive ideas, and reasons. Are you certain you, and the group, share a common ideology?

7. Timely: A true leader must avoid the tendency to procrastinate! Consider the facts, options, and alternatives, and pursue well - considered, timely action!

8. Empathy; example; energize: Listen effectively, and learn what your constituents are concerned about, prioritize, and perceive. Use this empathy, to help you seek the best solutions! If you become the example others point to, with pride, you will energize your stakeholders!

A true leader must be certain his FAVORITE approaches, are the best ones! Are you willing and able to adapt, in a positive, effective way?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: What Is Your FAVORITE Leadership Behavior?

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